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How to make a punk mummy costume

How to make a punk mummy costume

Materials and tools:

10-15 yds. muslin
(1) pair black thermal underwear
black cotton gloves
black ski cap
craft black paint
spray bottle
300+ security pins
8" piece of rope
plastic cloth (optional)


1. Wash the muslin to remove any size and pat dry. Cut the muslin into 2-yard lengths to make it easier to work with.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons of black craft paint for every 1.5 cups of water and fill the spray bottle with the mixture.

3. Prepare to "age" the muslin bandages by laying the 2-yard lengths outside on the grass or on a plastic drop cloth inside. Randomly spray all the muslin pieces with the solution, refilling the spray bottle as needed.
Note:Be careful not to cover the muslin with too much paint solution, as it will turn a solid muddy gray, rather than the speckled aged look. Let the muslin dry.

4. To create the mummy's "bandages", start notching with scissors every 2-3" on one short side of the muslin, then rip the strips all the way down. This will give the bandages a worn look.

5. Once torn, place the strips together and twist the package until it folds over on itself and tie with string. Leave the bandages in the pleat pack overnight. Repeat #4 and 5 for each muslin piece.

6. Pin bandages on thermal underwear, gloves and hat. It helps to have a friend wear the outfit while you hold it. When you finish one strip, simply pin another to the end and continue wrapping. This can be a long process, so try to use just enough pins to get an overall fit while you're out with your friend, then lay out the pieces on a table and add more pins to "really" screw up your mom. The more pins, the better.!

7. When fixing, it is okay to leave some small areas blank, without bandages. You can also try leaving the last 3-5" of a few strategically placed bandages unpinched; like on an elbow or knee, and then undo them with the scissors. These gaps and broken ends create character that makes your punk mummy even more macabre Happy Haunting!