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How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking


By using various shades of your favorite color, you can sew an affordable fit that your family will love, while also keeping your home on trend for Christmas.

Step 1

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Line of fabric strips

Lay out the 4" fabric strips in order so they go from lightest to darkest.

Step 2

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Thing light to dark

Place the first (lightest) color and the second color on both sides, and sew along one of the long edges. Press the seam open. Keep repeating this with all the strips of fabric, getting darker in color as you go, until it's all together in one big piece of fabric.

Step 3

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Cut new strips of fabric

Turn the fabric right side up and cut into 4" strips going from top to bottom so that each new strip has all the graduated colors on it.

Stage 4

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Alternate Strips

Take your new strips and stagger them so that the first strip is one square taller than the next. Do this for every other strip. You want the colors to complement each other and stand out. See arrows in photo for clarity.

Step 5

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Sew alternating strips

Sew the long edges of the strips to the right with the new alternating strips lined up. Press open seams.

Step 6

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Cut storage pieces

Using the ombre stocking pattern pieces, cut two outer stocking pieces from your ombre fabric, two lining pieces, two interlocking or cotton pieces, and one stocking loop.

Step 7

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Do the loop

Take your mesh fabric and fold the right sides together so the long, raw edges meet. Sew along the outer long edge. With a safety pin attached to one edge, turn the tube of fabric so that it is facing out, with the seam on the inside of the tube. press.

Step 8

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Loop stitching

Fold the storage loop in half so the raw ends meet. Place the raw edges on the top edge of one of your ombre stocking pieces, about 1 inch from the back of the stocking. Raw loop edges at top of stocking to secure.

Step 9

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Sew the sides together

Lay the front and back of the ombre half on both sides and sew along the outer edges. Do not sew the top of the stocking, just around the outside edges.

Step 10

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Turn right

Turn the stocking clockwise and use your hand to gently press down on all the edges. press.

Step 11

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Sew on interface lining

Take your interfacing or cotton batting and stick to the wrong side of each piece of lining. Rough seam your cotton batting or interfacing along the outer edges of each lining piece, or iron depending on your cotton batting/interfacing instructions.

Step 12

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Sew the tops together

Place the lining pieces on the right side together and sew around the outside edges, leaving the bottom of the foot open for turning later. Do not sew the top of the stocking, only around the outer edges. Then, slide the inner liner around the outside of your outer ombre liner, so both sides are together. Match the side seams along the top edge. Pin together, and sew around the top edge.

Step 13

How to Sew an Ombre Christmas Stocking

Flip and finish!

Turn the stocking clockwise through the bottom opening of your liner stocking onto your foot. Sew the opening closed and push the lining inside the ombre half. Using your hand inside the stocking, pry out all the edges. Press and you're done.!