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How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath


No matter how you move it, there's nothing mid-century about a greenery circle. We reconceptualized a Christmas wreath, echoing its geometric shape, but incorporating some asymmetry and a starburst motif for a one-of-a-kind piece. It's a little flower crown, a little snowflake, and a whole lot of modern Christmas cheer.

Step 1

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Create core disk

Use a compass or circular guide to draw a 5-inch circle on the 1x8.

Step 2

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Cut the central disk

Drill a starter hole, then cut out the inside with a jigsaw.

Step 3

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Radius measurement

Use a protractor to mark the disk every 30 degrees (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180) on each half of the disk, so you have 12 evenly spaced marks, like clockwork. Transfer these marks to the outside of the disk.

Stage 4

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Drill holes

Use a 3/16" drill bit to make a hole at each of the 12 marks, 3/4" deep. Use masking tape on the bit to make a stop so you can drill to a consistent depth.

Step 5

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Cut the center hole

Use a compass to draw a 3" circle on the disk, make it slightly off center but make sure there is at least 7/8" of wood on all sides. Cut out the hole with a jigsaw or use a 3" hole saw or hole saw.

Step 6

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Make the satellites

For the small satellites that orbit around the central disk, we use 1-1/2" hardwood wheels found in the unfinished lumber section of the craft store or hobby store. If you can't find them, make yours by cutting a 1- 1/2" rod into 3/4 disks".

The wheels come with a small hole for an axle, but we decided to drill this out to 3/4" to make the piece look lighter and echo the crown motif. Place each disc in a clamp to keep your fingers safe, then drill a 3/4" hole through each of the satellite circles. Don't worry about being exactly in the center, as symmetry is not part of the look. Be sure to leave at least 3/8" on one side to accept the pins.

Step 7

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Drill pin holes in satellites

Use a 3/16" drill bit to drill a 1/4" hole in one side of each of the satellite discs for pin spokes.

Step 8

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Cut the blocks to size and dry

Place the central disk and each of the 12 satellites. Arrange each of the pin spokes, using different lengths, until you find a balanced look. Our cleats were a mix of lengths:6", 5-5/8", 5-1/4", and 4-3/4". Dry everything together to make sure it looks good.

Step 9

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath


When you're happy with the look, glue everything together. Dip one side of each stem in glue, so you have a solid ring of glue around the entire circumference. Then insert the disks into each spoke, remove and then squeeze. Let dry for at least an hour.

Repeat the process and glue each ray onto the central hub. Use a medium weight object to tap them into place.

Step 10

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Sand and primer

Since our crown is going to be living outside during the cold, wet months of the holiday season, we wanted to make sure it could stand up to the elements. Start by sanding the frame with 150 and 200 grit sandpaper, then clean off any dust and debris.

Take the piece to a well-ventilated area (preferably outside) and spray an initial coat of exterior primer. Let dry, then lightly sand with 220 grit sandpaper to remove any fibers. Then spray with a second coat of primer to seal the wood from the elements.

Step 11

How to Make a Mid-Century Modern Christmas Wreath

Paint and Seal

Finally, apply a coat of white spray paint and a light coat of clear sealer. This creates a weather-resistant surface that will allow you to use the crown year after year.