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Summer fertilizations

Summer fertilizations

July is harvest month. But not only. This is also the time to think about a second fertilization of plants in the ground and especially in the vegetable garden.

The soil is quickly depleted because the nutrients end up in the vegetables – that is the purpose of fertilization, to grow and have beautiful vegetables – leaving the soil much poorer. In addition, the rains and watering leach the soil and the nutrients go to the subsoil. So you have to bring it back.

If you have taken care to fertilize when planting or preparing the soil, with organic fertilizers, these are given for a duration of action of about 3 months. July is therefore the ideal month for a second fertilization. But which fertilizers to choose? Here is my selection of summer fertilizations, found on

For the fall, you will have my advice by following this link

My selection

First of all, remember that organic matter is transformed into humus to improve soil structure, aeration and microbial life. But that the climatic and cultural factors and the varieties present have an impact on the durability of the fertilizer.

Tomato fertilizer:(6.3.12. + 4 Ca)

Summer fertilizations


It is the "fruit" fertilizer of the vegetable garden. It is therefore used for tomatoes, squash, courgettes, pattypan squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, gherkins, strawberries and shrubs with small fruits such as currants, blackcurrants...

The advantage of this fertilizer is this contribution of 4 units of calcium. Calcium helps to avoid what is commonly called black bottom, a rot that attacks the tomato even before it matures and makes it inedible. Nevertheless, watering errors also favor the accentuation of this disease. The first fertilization took place during planting, the second fertilization takes place between June and October.

Potato fertilizer:(5.4.15)

Summer fertilizations


This is the "root" fertilizer. The 1 era fertilization took place at planting, the second in June / July for late harvests. But the fertilizer is also used for other root vegetables, such as turnips, beets, parsnips, carrots... valid for about 3 months, less in sandy and draining soil, and/or receiving high rainfall, natural or by watering. Now is the time to spread it a second time.

Roasted Horn and Dried Blood:(13% N)

Summer fertilizations


It is a nitrogen fertilizer. He is the fertilizer that "grows." Ideal for planting, at the start of the season or when the plants are exhausted. The blood is a "whiplash" type, the horn is more of a bottom-feeding, slow-release fertilizer. The combination of the two means that the intake gives immediate and lasting results. Summer fertilizations continue to act in autumn...

Kieserite (26% magnesium oxide)

Summer fertilizations


Ah the yellowing leaves! We immediately think of iron chlorosis. Yes, but magnesium is also a constituent of chlorophyll and deficiencies exist. A supply of magnesium makes the foliage, the needles of the conifers and the lawn green again. Ideal to counter the acute lack of magnesium especially in sandy soils, very draining, but also for potted plants. Usable from February to October. It is one of the summer fertilizers.

It is worth remembering that fertilizers, even organic, have a dosage and frequency of spreading for a given crop clearly stipulated on the packaging. Forcing the doses is useless but on the contrary risks having the opposite effect; any excess is bad.

Case of potted plants

The reserve of soil and therefore of nutrients is very small in a pot. In addition, watering is more frequent and the loss of nutrients by leaching is constant. Without forcing the doses, the frequency of intake is more important.

I took advantage of my order at to install a terrace mister. Oh what a great idea! A mist comes out of the small nozzles and the temperature drops very noticeably

Summer fertilizations


I also brought in a biodegradable mulching veil, but I will tell you about that next year, when I have installed it. I will have to review my irrigation system...

Summer fertilizations


Why Here's what the vendor says: