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When the vine attacks

Indeed, there are plots, beds, courtyards that are invaded by undesirable plants that deserve only contempt and suppression. Poor people. Do not look, the poor is a qualifier, not a plant species. The poor, the unloved, the undesirables, the bad! Many of you asked me this spring what to do to eradicate, remove, annihilate, destroy the woody regrowth of trees, vines, brambles. Yes, words can seem warlike.

"Finally what! Who are these intruders who allow themselves to come where I haven't planted them? What does it mean ? Come on, hop, a hoe, or a hoe or a pruner if necessary! Let them flourish elsewhere. They are not even beautiful, otherwise, you can imagine, I would have replanted them in a good place that suits them...

Still, the colonization of the land is becoming a reality, and we will have to act, an ash regrowth in my perennials, no question! So let's see the possible solutions to destroy the woody regrowth once and for all!


For small herbaceous plants, we know the trick, a blow of the hoe and presto, here it is on its way to the compost heap. But destroying woody regrowth is something else. Plants that make wood, those hard to pull up and that don't care about your lumbago are tenacious.

The major means

When the vine attacks

Sarsaparilla, the vine hanging by its thorns

Armed with a pickaxe, an ax, a spade, I dig, I discover the incriminated root and with force and rage, I cut, I cut, I slice, I pulverize and I scatter all over Paris like a puzzle … Finally you see what I mean. Yes, but since there's still a little bit left in the ground, a sneaky slice of root beer, in a few weeks, I'll do it again.


There are chemicals, but I banned them for two reasons. The first by ideology, for environmental risks and for a vague history of species survival… The second, because it is not effective. Indeed, there is no scrubber that only removes the unwanted plant.

There are homemade recipes:salt, kerosene, alcohol, motor oil… which we will quickly forget for the reasons mentioned above.

When the vine attacks


The compromise

It's living with it. As I can't get rid of it, I limit and slow down regrowth by tearing out and cutting off what doesn't come. By force and over time, the plants become exhausted, the roots die. Or also, look elsewhere.

The roots of these undesirables nevertheless render many services. They excavate and decompact the ground, drain excess water, provide humus, shelter a set of useful micro-organisms.

The gardener shapes his space with the components. This is the whole point of gardening, producing beauty and food while preserving what exists. However, I didn't say it was easy.

In order to learn more about pesticides, their dangers and how to do without them, I invite you to continue reading with the first article on the subject:can we do without pesticides in the garden?