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Hydrangea, not so sour!

Why do you always have to find the hydrangea in the list of heather soil plants?
Return to a reality.

The hydrangea, translate "your whims pain me" in the dictionary of the language of flowers, is not a heather plant .

If this shrub does not like soils that are too calcareous, and says so with a magnificent ferric chlorosis , a soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 suits him well. Especially if the color is pink or red. Too much soil acidity will turn your pretty shrub purple. Only the white stays white in acidic soil.

Blue is not natural for Hortense, apart from her eyes, the blue hydrangea nevertheless needs acidity (ah! anyway!), aluminum sulphate or ammoniacal alum and very little phosphorus. The latter in excess, blocks the aluminum which causes the bluing of the pigments. It is still better to choose a plant that is already blue to have a better chance of continuing in this color.

For my part, I have a weakness for Hydrangea paniculata , white or creamy yellow. That said, you have a choice of varieties, shapes and colors. Try Hydrangea petiolaris, the all-white climbing hydrangea!

Come on, make the holes, it's time!

Hydrangea, not so sour!

oak leaf hydrangea

Hydrangea, not so sour!