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April's work

April work. If the soil was fertilized in autumn, it is still necessary to prepare the seedbed or the location of future buckets.

The claw, the hook, the hoe, the hoe, the grelinette advantageously replace the spade and the tiller. The soil needs to be aerated but mechanical or manual turning disturbs the living population in the ground at the risk of destroying it. Let's not forget that it is all the living beings on the ground that allow the transformation organic matter into plant food; a living soil is a rich soil.

Mulching helps you with fertilization soil and surface work. The populations of the soil coming to seek their food on the surface, search the soil and soften it while fertilizing it. It is still necessary not to turn the soil, which could annihilate the living population in the litter and in the first cm of the soil.

April s work

tiller, to be replaced by the grelinette if possible

April s work

use of biogrif (grelinette)