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Green plants in summer

Come on! Everybody out!

I can still hear his words echo. The stormy rain ended, our mother who looked after her children and those of others during the summer holidays, asked us to go and see if the snails were out. Wearing rubber boots, where the feet sweated quickly, we went to play starving Indians because of the mean cowboys, and the picking of currants became vital. The soaked bushes left us with their abundant tart red production, making up some reddish streak on our greedy little faces.

Green plants in summer

Everyone out! Children… and green plants!

The beautiful tropical plants and other houseplants, including cacti and orchids, must also take to the air during the summer. Holidays in the cool, in the shade, with a refreshing night temperature, and a sovereign morning dew.

A large bowl of air, a breath of fresh air, half a glass of humidity on the foliage, add adequate fertilization, let the whole thing rest until the end of September. This is a recipe from my childhood which is transmitted by voice. oral for several generations of apartment gardeners (and owners of a garden plot).

Putting the green plants outside sounded like the start of the holidays. We took the opportunity to shower them, which ended in a pitched battle, thirsty Indians against cowboys who held the pipe!

I even thought I saw the plants smiling.

Have a nice summer everyone.

Green plants in summer