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Planting asparagus

Preparing the asparagus planting .

At the price at which asparagus are sold, it is worth having some in your garden if the soil allows it. And if you have space.

The soil must be sandy in order to warm up quickly in the spring. Asparagus does not succeed in heavy, wet and cold soil .

In January, the soil is prepared for planting between mid-February and the end of April depending on the region, in aerated and well-smoked soil. The manure will be organic, well-ripened compost for example, at a dose of 4 to 5 kg per m².

The planting trenches are spaced 1.50 m and 30 cm wide and deep. The claws will be 60 to 80 cm apart. . They will be covered with only a few cm of soil the first year, about twenty cm the following year. The hilling asparagus is done only in the third year, the year of the first harvest.

Tip +:place the claw on a small mound of earth in order to cover the entire claw afterwards.