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Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

Invention 10 Websites With Really Cool Inventions You Didn't Know About 10 Websites With Really Cool Inventions You Didn't Know About Read More the edge of technology 5 Fascinating and inspiring TED Talks that explore the edge of technology Throughout history, humans have been engrossed in mastering the challenges of their time. Over the past century, developments have been advancing at an increasingly impressive speed. We call it modern technology and it has… Read more .

This article is not about a single life-changing invention. This article connects the dots between three different energy-saving technologies that, when put together, will change the world.

Google has introduced the project Sunroof Want to Go Solar? Google's 'Project Sunroof' wants to help Want to use Solar? Google's 'Project Sunroof' wants to help Google Maps is an amazing tool. It can direct you to the pizzeria or help you avoid traffic jams, but can it lower your electric bill? Currently, yes. Get to know the solar roof project. Read more . Tesla has announced that Tesla Powerwall Did Elon Musk save us from fossil fuels? Did Elon Musk save us from fossil fuels? Read more . MIT and Samsung have published about a solid-state electrolyte (SSE) battery. Individually, they're good ideas and innovative nudges, but when the triumvirate converges, beware. The world is going to change.

Fusion of energy saving technologies

If all of these things come together as well as they should, we would see consumers' consumption of oil, coal, and natural gas as energy sources decline dramatically; possibly even die completely.

Here's the scenario:You own your own home and are thinking about green energy, self-sustaining energy, and frankly, cheap energy. Altruism doesn't pay the bills. You are thinking about solar energy. 12 Awesome Solar Powered Gadgets Every Home Should Use 12 Awesome Solar Powered Gadgets Every Home Should Use. Solar energy provides cleaner and more sustainable electricity, but few people can afford solar panels and few energy providers invest in solar power generation. It's time to take solar power into your own hands. Read more.

Your home is a neat old two-story building on a quiet street. Not too big, not too small. Let's say it is the home in the following image. We could do it, since it will be the basis on which all the numbers in this article are based.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

How do you avoid the use of expensive electricity generated primarily by burning carbon-based fuels? How do you get to that ecological, self-sufficient and cheaper energy? Goodbye Power Company:Why You May Soon Be Generating Your Own Electricity Goodbye Power Company:Why You May Soon Be Generating Your Own Electricity Solar power enables clean generation of electricity, using a source that is guaranteed never to run out in our lifetime :Sun. But will it ever beat the energy companies? Read more ? Innovation gets you started.

I want Solar Power. Where do I start??

In August of this year, Google engineer Carl Elkin publicly announced the Sunroof project. Project Sunroof Takes Google Maps 4 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Earth Pro 4 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Earth Pro Google Earth Pro used to cost the tear-jerking $400, and it comes with some amazing exclusive features. Here are four that you should probably check out. Read more data and help people to discover how to install Photovoltaic Efficiency. Cheap. Incredible. Here's why the new aerosol solar cells are efficient. Cheap. Incredible. This is why new sprinkler solar cells matter spray process. Read more (photovoltaic panels) will help them..

Project Sunroof takes data from many sources and turns it into information that anyone can use. Just put your address and you will find out:

  1. If going solar is a good idea for you..
  2. How much electricity the photovoltaic panels on your roof can generate.
  3. Which financing plan makes sense for you?.
  4. Who, in your area, can install it..

The data is currently limited to only the San Francisco Bay Area of ​​California and the Greater Boston Area of ​​Massachusetts. But you know Google. Soon, they will cover the entire planet..

This is a huge step forward in the switch from oil to solar power. Anyone can find out their solar needs and costs IMBY:Estimate Solar and Wind Power Potential in Your Backyard IMBY:Estimate Solar and Wind Power Potential in Your Backyard Read More Prior to this, he would have had to hire a professional and do an assessment and quote for you. It was a tedious process..

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

It used to be tedious trying to figure out the best way to pay for your solar PV system. Should I get a loan? Do you have to pay directly? Is there any other option? Project Sunroof calculates that for you. At a glance, you can see which payment method will work best for you. They also list possible financiers or leasing companies in your area.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

Finding someone to install your used solar electric system requires detective skills. There weren't many installers out there, and they weren't advertising much. Project Sunroof will show you who deals with these systems in your area and give you an idea of ​​their level of expertise. If you wish, you can also send these providers your contact information. So instead of trying to find them, they will come right to you.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

Google's Project Sunroof makes buying an energy-saving solar power system almost as easy as ordering a pizza How to Use PayPal on Amazon (and Other Sites) How to Use PayPal on Amazon (and Other Sites) Have a Strong Credit Balance PayPal and want to spend it on Amazon or other sites that don't accept PayPal? Here are some solutions that really work. Read more.

You have solar energy now - where will you store it?

When the installer shows up with a plan and quote, you may still have questions about the installation. If you want true energy independence, you have a battery bank to house and maintain. Maybe it's not for you after all. It would be nice, but you don't need one more thing to take care of. Your house is already full.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

That is understandable. However, if Elon Musk of Tesla Motors Tesla will release self-driving car features this summer, Tesla will release self-driving car features this summer Tesla owners may see self-driving features sooner than expected. Tesla has its own autonomous car program, and they want to push some of their programs out to end users this summer. Read More fame has its way, you will use Tesla Powerwall batteries. Because the Powerwall uses lithium-ion batteries, just like the ones in your laptop or tablet, it takes up less space and is easier to install than traditional lead-acid batteries. It's also virtually maintenance-free, and it's more pleasing to the eye than a bank full of car batteries. Maybe if your solar electricity system used a Powerwall, you'd be more willing to go off the grid.

The current version of the Powerwall, in itself, is not a world advance in solar energy. It offers more energy storage in a smaller area, that's for sure. But it's nothing we don't already know. Not much of a world changer, honestly.

But it could be. Tesla has turned the electric car from a worthless joke that only hippies and weirdos wanted, to a beautiful, well-appointed vehicle capable of blowing the doors off most gas burners. Tesla vehicles are now status symbols, right up there with the BMWs and Mercedes of the world. Not bad for a hippie's dream made in America.

What happens when that kind of momentum and exposure is put behind the Powerwall? What happens when we finally talk about being off the grid with as much reverence and attitude in fact as we talk about Tesla cars? Elon Musk's vision of a networkless society is our reality.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

With Tesla's plan to establish a $ 5 billion. "Gigafactory" which would produce 35 GWh per year of battery capacity, thereby reducing Tesla's battery prices by a third, that's a reality we could adopt very quickly. You can even pre-order the Powerwall today.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

Unfortunately, Powerwalls aren't very cheap yet. Have hope; a recent study conducted for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency suggests lithium-ion battery prices will drop by 60% by 2020. Will a Powerwall price drop the same way? I wish. Also, lithium-ion batteries should be replaced approximately every 7 years. That leaves us still putting piles of hazardous waste in landfills. That little piece of information can destroy your dreams of energy independence. They are not as green and affordable as we need. But what is it?

The battery that lasts forever

Between the brainpower of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the resources of Samsung, there has been a tremendous development in battery technology. Imagine a battery that could pack more power into an even smaller space than a lithium-ion battery. Imagine it as not having to trade it for… who knows how long? decades? Always? Think of a battery that wouldn't leak acid or explode if overcharged, overheated, or punctured.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

That would be the battery that MIT and Samsung have in their minds. Most batteries of any type have a liquid in them. That's the electrolyte. If you're old enough, you may remember having to add water to your car batteries every so often. It is the fact that the electrolyte is actually liquid that causes many of the problems associated with batteries. What the MIT/Samsung team is proposing is a solid-state electrolyte (SSE) battery.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

You could puncture or break it and there would be nothing to burn. The safety factor alone is enough to make these batteries revolutionary.

His research shows that an SSE battery could hold as much power as a lithium-ion battery in two-thirds of the space. Considering that a lithium-ion battery holds as much energy as a lead-acid battery in two-thirds of the space, you can see how small an SSE battery could be. It would be almost a third the size of a lead-acid battery of similar capacity.

Oil killers when Google data meets Tesla visions and MIT brains

The energy saving battery would also have a much longer lifespan than a lithium-ion battery. No definitive answer has been given on how much longer. However, estimates give it hundreds of thousands of charge cycles. A charge cycle, or recharge, is one of the measurements considered when calculating battery life.

In its useful life, a lithium ion battery could be recharged between 300 and 4,700 times. You get about 7 years of life under proper care. If it takes a 4,700 charge cycle lithium ion battery to become useless for about 7 years, that's 671 charge cycles. Doing the math, a hundred thousand charge cycles would give you approximately 150 years of life with the SSE battery. Although this is a very rough estimate, it essentially means you don't have to replace them.

The convergence - when the three meet

Although each piece of this puzzle has its strengths, they alone will not kill the oil. However, you can see how the combination has a synergistic effect. The whole becomes bigger than the parts. Much older.

The International Renewable Energy Agency suggests a 40% reduction in cost by the end of 2017. By then we could have SSE batteries in Tesla Powerwalls for around $1,000 and you'd only have to buy one.

What would you do with an extra $64,000? How good would it feel to know that no matter what happened, you would have electricity? How clean would the air and water be if only 1 in 100 homes in the United States did this? That's when the snowball possibility in hell of killing oil becomes an avalanche of reality, and the world turns carbon corner forever.