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iRobot Roomba e5; the vacuum cleaner for pets (and more)

You love your pets as if they were your children. But just like children, pets make a mess, especially when it comes to all the hair that's floating around everywhere. Of course you want to keep your house in order, but there seems to be no way… unless you get the right vacuum cleaner for pets, the Roomba e5!

We have renamed our newest addition to Jonnie, because Jonnie is part of our family and that deserves a name, doesn't it? So if I ever mention Jonnie, you know I mean our Roomba e5 😉 .

Table of Contents

Review of a vacuum cleaner that is suitable if you have pets; the Roomba e5

Some time ago I was asked if I wanted to test the Roomba e5 as we have pets that lose quite a bit of hair. In addition, nowadays we live outside and we walk in with just a little more rubbish than before. Well, I don't have to think long about that. Naturally! I always recommend household appliances that make life a little easier.

In addition, we have already 'worn out' the necessary vacuum cleaners with our pets and since there is no end to vacuuming, a robot vacuum cleaner is a good choice anyway. By the way, I have written a blog before about the disadvantages of a robot vacuum cleaner and the dog and the proof that you have to keep thinking, also with a vacuum cleaner and pets. This blog is mainly about the benefits of a robot vacuum cleaner if you have pets and especially about Jonnie.

The advantages of the Roomba e5; our Jonnie

The Roomba e5 can be found at Coolblue, the Mediamarkt and

This pet vacuum cleaner can be operated with an app

One of the nice features of the Roomba e5 is that it can be controlled via an app. In that app you can set up a standard schedule on which the vacuum cleaner should run. But we can also start Jonnie directly via the app. Of course there is also a start button on the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner itself, but the convenience serves people, doesn't it?

You can set the option for the Roomba e5 to start at a specific time per day. With us it is standard at 0.00. Normally we are about in bed and we hear our Jonnie at work downstairs. I soon fall asleep and when I wake up in the morning all the hair of our pets has been sucked up again by the vacuum cleaner

If we are still downstairs at 0.00 am and I don't feel like having Jonnie running around me, I can quickly switch off this Roomba e5 with the app. Ideal.

Useful features within standard use

For starters, the Roomba e5 has the option to set a time schedule. You can set one time for each day of the week.

In addition, this robot vacuum cleaner 'possess' Dirt Detect sensors, which are useful not only with pets, but also with sand, for example. With this, Jonnie registers where the most dirt is in the house, so that he returns there more often to clean. He now knows where the hairs accumulate, but also where most of the sand accumulates outside.

Do you use the Roomba e5 to vacuum upstairs? Then you're lucky, because you can just 'let go' him. It detects by itself whether there is an abyss and will immediately go the other way at that moment. Super handy of course, because that way Jonnie doesn't dive into the stairwell with us. This is not going to happen to us anyway, because we have black carpet above. And let that be something that this robot vacuum cleaner cannot handle. Neither does our other one, so that must be a general thing I'm afraid. Black carpet gives the sensors 'the feeling' that they are above an abyss. As a result, the vacuum cleaner immediately gets an error and stops.

Has Jonnie eaten his fill and is he full? Then you will receive a notification. I wouldn't wait for this one, by the way, but just empty the robot vacuum cleaner in the meantime. The bowl of the Roomba e5 is also very easy to clean and the brushes?

Rubber brushes, not one, but two. This vacuum cleaner is perfect for pets

These are really very nice. And I should know, because we have comparison in the house. And that's Annelies, our Chinese-made robot vacuum cleaner. The brushes with which Annelies cleans are not very useful for pets because all the hairs get stuck in the vacuum cleaner. With the rubber brushes of the e5 from Roomba, that is a lot less. Very nice for a vacuum cleaner with pets, because otherwise it will get stuck in no time. And if anything is annoying, that's it. If you have a robot vacuum cleaner and you expect your house to be clean in the morning, but it got stuck on the way. Grrr…

These things are there to make household chores easier.

Fortunately, Jonnie is not much bothered by that. Very occasionally he gets stuck on Frank's guitar stand, but most of the time he just gets rid of it.

Roomba e5 vacuum cleaner and our pets

You sometimes see those super fun videos on Youtube about a robot vacuum cleaner and pets. A kitten that rides along on the vacuum cleaner, for example. Unfortunately, none of that for us. As soon as the Roomba e5 is on and comes close to our dog, Cash gets up and dribbles away. From a distance he then continues to look 'disturbed' at Jonnie.

Our cat is less stressed but certainly doesn't go so far that she wants to tour the house on Jonnie. It's a shame, but unfortunately, no fun videos.

The only downside of the Roomba e5

The only downside I can think of is the noise that the robot vacuum cleaner makes. I will never turn on the Roomba e5 when I'm in the living room myself, it bothers me too much for that. Anyway, the principle of the vacuum cleaner is of course that it does its job when it suits you (and your pets). And that's fine when I'm not there or when we're in bed.

The Roomba e5 can be found at Coolblue, the Mediamarkt and