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The Alexa skill every Reddit lover needs

Along with Facebook and YouTube, Reddit is part of the holy triumvirate of time wasters 15 Mobile Apps Guaranteed To Waste Your Precious Time 15 Mobile Apps Guaranteed To Waste Your Precious Time in some meaningful way. Other apps, well, will have the opposite effect. Read more.

You fire up the app with the intention of just checking out your favorite sports team's subreddit, but before you know it, you've spent three hours watching countless videos on /r/idiotsfightingthings. Surely there is a better and less expensive way to get your daily Reddit fix.

Thanks to a new Alexa skill, there is.

Daily cup of tea

The new skill is called Daily Cup of Tea , which you can download for free from Amazon. Nifty App Will Have Alexa Read Top Reddit Posts How To Consistently Hit The Reddit Front Page How To Hit The Reddit Front Page I decided to dig deeper into what Charles Chu had discovered, looking into what it takes to create a popular Reddit post. that readers can't help but engage with. Read More It comes in two forms:as "Flash Briefing" or as a regular skill.

Daily Cup of Tea (Best Reddit Posts) Daily Cup of Tea (Best Reddit Posts) Buy Now on Amazon $0.00

For those unaware, a Flash Briefing is a customizable news update that Alexa reads aloud. You can set up Flash Briefings by logging in to your Alexa account and going to Settings> Flash Briefing> Get more Flash Briefing content .

Control of the daily cup of tea

How you interact with Daily Cup of Tea depends on the version you have installed.

If you are running a Flash Briefing, you should use the regular Flash Briefing commands. Say “Alexa, what's my Flash Briefing??” or “Alexa, what's on the news??” to get started, then navigate through the news by saying “Next,” “Previous,” or “Cancel.”

The Alexa skill every Reddit lover needs

If you installed the standalone skill, say “Alexa, open the Daily Cup of Tea,” “Alexa asks for the Daily Cup of Tea to give me my tea,” or “Alexa, ask Daily Cup of Tea what's going on.” Alexa will read aloud the top Reddit posts at that time.

Only a few limitations

Daily Cup of Tea has a hard-coded list of subreddits. You can't add your own preferences or link your Reddit account. The developer has promised that they are working on introducing these features and they will be available in a future version.

Will this skill keep you satisfied or will you keep coming to the Reddit homepage to feed your addiction? Let us know in the comments below.