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Gardening and its benefits for seniors

Physical activity is strongly recommended throughout our lives. But it is more so when you get older, when you become a senior. And when you are lucky enough to be in good health, spending time in your garden to beautify it or maintain a vegetable garden yourself is a very healthy occupation, both mentally and physically.

Gardening, benefits for seniors from every point of view!

Gardening is an outdoor activity that provides exercise in the gentlest way possible. This is ideal for the elderly.

Gardening changes ideas, clears the head, and strengthens the body while reducing stress .

Gardening and its benefits for seniors

When you have the chance to garden together, in the spirit of a collective or shared garden, it is an opportunity to have a good time. While increasing our desire to share, exchange, discuss and learn.

We break the monotony while gardening. We " work " on the living:each day brings its share of novelties that we have to deal with.

The benefits of gardening for seniors are numerous. Here they are listed in a non-exhaustive table.

The benefits of gardening for seniors

Advantages Explanation sSelf-esteem and a sense of accomplishmentBy working on living organisms that are helped by gardening actions, seniors feel a relative sense of responsibilities . They still and always feel necessary in this world.
Gardening strengthens self-esteem and brings a feeling of satisfaction. A connection to the world By gardening, the elderly feel connected again to the world, in harmony with nature. This allows you to open your eyes to yourself, to tell yourself that you are part of a whole and break the loneliness.
This is an opportunity to improve your inner balance .We are happierGardening requires energy and the body then produces serotonin and dopamine, which are the two main hormones that make you happy. Relaxation It only takes a few minutes in a garden to see your heart rate decrease.
Gardening means having to worry only about yourself and your flowers or vegetables. More pressure, more stress, more fear, more deadlines. The mind becomes calm and peaceful again.

Gardening turns out to be a source of well-being from several points of view for seniors.

Bringing a real boost of energy, both psychologically and physically, this is undeniably an activity that allows you to relax and feel good about yourself.

Precautions to take when gardening when you are a senior

However, gardening when you are an elderly person requires taking precautions. This activity must remain a real pleasure.

Here are some good tips to adapt this activity to your needs, abilities and the desires of seniors.

  • Reduce the space to maintain:this allows not to spend too much energy. This avoids the frustration of not having the strength to manage a large space.
  • Delimit the spaces to be developed. Maintenance is simpler while leaving the choice to organize your gardening as you see fit.
  • Use planters to garden without injuring your back. (Ideal for growing aromatic plants or perennials).
  • Get the right tools. Today there is a wide range of gardening products and accessories that are particularly suitable for the elderly. These are tools with a simplified handling and lighter than usual (gardener's belt with integrated pockets, reversible garden stool, tools with telescopic handle, etc.). Their ergonomics reduce the risk of injury and muscle fatigue.
  • a great tool, the grelinette:to find out more click here
  • Finally equip yourself with accessories to fight against the sun and the heat:sunglasses, hat, scarf or shawl, bottle of water.
Gardening and its benefits for seniors

The practice of gardening for seniors is therefore strongly recommended , because, as we can see, it is a practice that makes it possible to fight against mental, psychic and physical disorders. And therefore to feel good.
