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Partition walls:Flowering eye-catchers on the balcony and terrace

Partition walls on the balcony or terrace offer the opportunity to separate rooms from each other and at the same time protect them from prying eyes. In this way, they provide more comfort and privacy, especially in larger or highly visible outdoor areas. In addition to walls or hedges, there is a large selection of flexible partition walls. Partitions planted with flowers are particularly decorative. Discover our decoration ideas for privacy protection!

Blooming dividers:more than just beautiful

With colorful flowers, balconies and terraces become inviting oases of well-being in no time. Seasonal dividing elements or planting frames increase the recreational value of outdoor spaces even more. Because while hedges or walls obstruct the view out even when privacy protection is not required, or cast shadows when you want to enjoy the sun, mobile windows can be designed according to personal taste and used flexibly. Unlike fixed partitions, you never feel trapped.

Partition walls:Flowering eye-catchers on the balcony and terrace

Brightly beautiful in the picture

As with vertical gardens, the plants also attract more attention with mobile partition elements, because they are at eye level with the viewer. All the more important is that the flowers that are planted look really nice. Provide beautiful flowers with a luxuriant growth that are easy to care for.

Partition walls:Flowering eye-catchers on the balcony and terrace