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Deleting Voice Recordings on Amazon Echo and Google Home

Amazon Echo and Google Home are core elements in making your home a smart home. How the Amazon Echo can make your home a smart home. How the Amazon Echo can make your home a smart home. from Amazon called "Echo" can help bring it into the mainstream. Read more . However, there are some big security issues with these devices. They both keep a recording of everything you say to them, which is stored on the company's servers.

While these recordings serve to improve your experience and the experience of others with the products, you may want to delete them for your peace of mind. , mainly because of its ISP and the surveillance apparatus of the NSA and GCHQ. But who else is extracting money from your privacy? Read more . Here's how to do that.

For the Amazon Echo, you can delete individual voice clips or delete everything at once. To delete one by one, you can open the Alexa app on your phone and go to Settings> History . You'll see each line you've spoken to your echo, and you can tap on one to expand it. Here you can listen to your recording if you wish, or touch Delete voice recordings to remove it.

To erase everything at once, visit the Amazon Devices and Content page. Click Your Devices near the top, then select your echo. Click Manage voice recordings below it, then Delete to confirm.

Anyone with a Google account can visit Google's My Activity page to review every contact you've had with your services. To delete your home activity and other voice activity, click Delete activity by in the left sidebar. Change the lower dropdown box of All products a Voice and audio , then select a time period to delete. You can choose from presets like Today , Last 30 days , and All the time , or specify your own timing parameters. Click Delete to confirm.

Not sure which smart home device is right for you? See our comparison of the Echo and Google Home Amazon Echo vs. Google Home vs. Apple HomePod Amazon Echo vs. Google Home vs. Apple HomePod In this article, you will learn the differences between Amazon Echo and Google Home. We'll also take a look at what features an Apple speaker can include. Read more.

Do you have an Amazon Echo or a Google Home? Are you worried that your voice has been recorded and have you ever deleted this information? Let us know in the comments!