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View of the garden from a veranda

Very recently, one of my readers asked me several questions about the installation of a veranda. It is therefore with great pleasure that I dedicate a post to this subject. Happy reading!

Here's what the law says

To finally have a magnificent view from the veranda on the garden, I advise you first to inform yourself about the legislation in force concerning the layout of this additional room. Indeed, considered as an extension of your home, the veranda, whatever its future destination, will increase the living space of your home.

This is why its construction is now highly regulated. My recommendation? Regardless of the dimensions of the latter, find out all the same from your Town Hall, detailing the characteristics of your veranda. In addition, by taking this step, you will also be sure whether your construction project complies with the planning requirements of your municipality.

Moreover, if I remember correctly, the approval of the Town Hall is necessary for people residing in protected or classified areas. Thus, for information, with extensions less than or equal to forty square meters, a simple declaration of work will do. You can send this letter to your municipality, with an acknowledgment of receipt if possible.

Do you dream of a huge veranda? In this case, a building permit is mandatory. The steps and formalities for obtaining it will also be done at the Town Hall. Finally, this document is also essential for verandas that will integrate an already existing construction, since the work will modify the facade and the exterior appearance of the building.

Its orientation and location

Once the formalities have been completed and the authorizations in your possession, you will decide on the location of your veranda, but above all on its orientation. This step is crucial insofar as the layout and organization of your interior will depend on it. Without forgetting the aesthetics and harmony of your exteriors. This choice must take into account your geographical location.

For example, people who live in the north of France will opt for a south-west orientation, while those in the south will prefer a south-east exposure. Error is not allowed here. And if you are afraid of making the wrong decision, get professional help. Above all, don't make the same stupid mistake as one of my acquaintances.

Due to poor orientation and too much exposure to the sun, his veranda was simply unlivable in summer, despite the presence of blinds and sun protection. It is so hot there that it is impossible to stay more than half an hour in the room. As a result, she was forced to dismantle everything and reinstall the whole thing elsewhere. Luckily it was a kit veranda model.

Draw your plan and choose your shape

However, in the event that you embark on self-construction, you must draw the plan of your veranda. Many possibilities are available to you depending on the size of the room and the surface you have. And don't forget, the larger this new living space, the more expensive this extension will be.

But everything is also a question of taste, expectation and need. Undoubtedly the easiest to implement, the form most encountered in private homes is the leaning veranda. An extension of the living room or the living room, the construction is directly leaned against one of the walls of the building. Otherwise, as an alternative, L-shaped, installed in a corner and resting on two exterior walls, the veranda can also connect two rooms in the house.

My favorite setup though is the kiosk model, especially if you go for modern materials like aluminum. Entirely autonomous and independent of living areas, this veranda can be used as a relaxation room, indoor garden or office space.