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How to choose the right indoor plants?

It is not because your house does not have a garden, a terrace, or a balcony that you have to give up green plants. Many varieties adapt very well to the indoor environment. Here's how to choose them.

Parameters to take into account

You already know which strains appeal to you, but you still don't know how to care for them. You can if you want to browse this post, but to find out how to maintain a green plant, it's here. Just like those planted in the garden, the latter need to be pampered to flourish. Repotting and watering will then be necessary provided that they are perfectly adapted to each plant. Now concerning their choice, it will be above all according to the location you plan for them.

Indeed, while some people use them mainly as depollutants, others make them their main decorative element for the hallway, bedrooms, kitchen or even the bathroom... Orchids, ficus, beaucarnéa and others fit perfectly into any room of the house. This is why, to have this corner of greenery and this natural square in their home, many do not hesitate to set up a small indoor garden.

Be careful though, locked in the apartments, these plants need a minimum of light. The ideal is to place them in areas of the home with good exposure to natural light. Rooms with west-facing windows meet this requirement perfectly. On the other hand, too much exposure to the South should be avoided since the sun's rays may burn the plants, unless you move them two meters away from the windows or if you block out the direct rays using shutters, for example. .

The most common plants

There are many possibilities when it comes to indoor plants. Nevertheless, some are more popular than others like cacti, succulents and other succulents. For good reason, the latter require very little maintenance and are not greedy in water. In addition, very decorative, these plant species come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Laying them on the edges of the windows, you will get one hundred percent vegetable curtains.

And among the most popular are aloe, Eritrean spurge, chlorophytum, cactus cereus, not to mention schlumbergera which has the particularity of flowering in winter. Otherwise, if for you nothing beats the great classics, you can always find your happiness among the very many varieties of ficus. Otherwise, why not simply bring a touch of the exotic to your living room or living room by investing in tropical plants like yucca?

If you like cheerful and lively colors, the clivia will not leave you indifferent with its flowers that range from yellow to orange-red. Those who have a weakness for large leaves will be tempted by the philodendron or monstera. Finally, combine the useful with the pleasant and have some aromatic herbs in your kitchen. The possibilities are endless between basil, parsley, chives, mint...