Are your garden tools completely rusty?
It's normal when you don't use them for long months...
So how to clean them and remove rust easily?
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick for cleaning old rusty garden tools.
Just soak them in vinegar water . Watch:
- white vinegar
- water
- bucket
- newsprint
1. In the bucket, put white vinegar and water in equal parts.
2. Soak your rusty tool in it for 2 days.
3. Rinse with clean water.
4. If any impurities remain, take the newspaper.
5. Soak it in pure white vinegar.
6. Scrub the gardening tool with it.
7. Rinse with clean water.
And There you go ! Thanks to the white vinegar, the rust has completely disappeared from your tools :-)
Easy, natural and economical, right?
Your gardening tools are now effortlessly brand new!
In addition to removing rust, this vinegar bath also removes dirt and impurities embedded in steel and iron.
If they are very rusty, soak them in a bath of pure white vinegar.
It works on all garden tools:pitchforks, secateurs, shears, spades, blades.
But also on DIY tools such as screwdrivers, hammers or pliers...
The acidity of the white vinegar attacks the rust encrusted on the tools.
In just a few hours, the rust gradually disintegrates.
In addition, white vinegar allows them to be disinfected, which is essential before storing them for a long period.
As for newspaper, with its rough side, it removes the last residues of rust very easily.