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Good gestures in the garden

Gardening is not an exact science. One can have a satisfactory result even if one does not follow the academic precepts to the letter. Especially since these have sometimes evolved to arrive at the opposite of what was recommended in the past. For example, we no longer turn over the earth, we decompact it. We no longer bury the manure in the bottom of the planting hole but we leave it on the surface. And besides, we avoid using fresh manure in favor of well-rotted compost, although "well-rotted" still has its detractors. Nevertheless, mastery of the right gestures in the garden is essential for good success. Here are some of them, the list is not exhaustive.

Good gestures in the garden

  • In order to have perfect healing of pruning wounds, the use of a well-sharpened and disinfected tool is paramount. Mandatory sharpening of anything that cuts. Even the hoe takes a beating! The more the tool cuts, the less you force.
  • The seed filling consists of tamping down the soil after placing the seeds. Use a rake or a board. The seed is then well coated and the packed earth allows the water to rise from the soil by capillarity. To be done systematically, especially with fine seeds such as parsley, carrots...
  • Wash tools rid them of the soil and what is there:weed seeds, spores of mushrooms, eggs of insects or mites... Spade, hoe, hoe... everyone in the shower!
  • Do not have hands that are too heavy . Whether for sowing or spreading fertilizer or treatment, forget the Mr. Plus! In any case, respect the indicated doses.
  • Verification of tutoring links is done at least twice a year. A tie that is too tight strangles the plant, the sap no longer circulates or the link sinks into the wood and the branch becomes very fragile to breakage. The fabric ties change because they can carry pathogenic germs.
  • The gardener is observant continue.

Good gestures in the garden