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How to Lower the Temperature of a Room?

How to Lower the Temperature of a Room?

Using air conditioning is the first reflex to lower room temperature .

But it is expensive, in electricity and therefore in money.

We offer you a less greedy solution. Yes, there is a simple and effective solution to keep your home cooler.

To lower the temperature of your apartment or a room, the first thing to do is biblically obvious. Watch:

How to Lower the Temperature of a Room?

How to

1. Open the windows wide early in the morning, as early as possible.

2. As soon as the outside temperature reaches the inside temperature, close doors, curtains, windows and shutters.

3. Do not open them during the day.

4. And open wide in the evening (or night), when the outside temperature becomes lower than the inside temperature.


Lo and behold, thanks to this grandma's trick, your room stays relatively cool :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

It's also much more economical than installing an air conditioner!

This will easily preserve a few degrees and the temperature in your room will remain bearable.

Savings achieved

This trick to lower the temperature of a room is very simple, of course.

But it has the advantage of being able to be set up immediately, and above all... without spending a penny!

No need for a technician, or to make an appointment... Natural air conditioning that requires nothing more than what you already have, and above all that will never break down!

And if after that you still can't sleep because of the heat, take a look at our tips for sleeping well when it's hot.

Your turn...

Do you usually apply this solution? Does it work for you? Leave us your comments!