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The birth of a vegetable garden!

The birth of a vegetable garden is a delicate thing. So that the creation is done without too much pain, here is a process that has been tested by a friend with a very good result in the end.

Imagine that your square of lawn, the one that costs you dearly in maintenance and which – you have been told – is inappropriate with natural gardening, imagine that this green expanse brings you some joy of taste, well-being, live well and frankly, some financial savings.

How to proceed?

  • Choose location. 100m² is enough for a family of 4, don't think too big.
  • Cut the grass flush (thinking that's the last time you do it, yay!)
  • Leave the mowing on the ground
  • Spread any organic waste you find 10cm thick:straw, leaves, crushed branches. The cardboard box is excellent for this operation. Lay it flat with ballast (board) to prevent it from flying away.
  • Let nature take its course
  • In May, do what you want, but still remove what's left of your ground cover.
  • Discover the soft earth below
  • Don't be afraid of the bugs and worms that are there
  • Scrape to remove as many roots and remaining clumps of grass as possible. Please note that the claw is not a pickaxe. If a large clump resists, remove it with a spade fork.
  • There is no point in returning all the land to the rototiller, which would do more damage than anything else. (multiplication of perennial roots by cutting them into small pieces). If necessary, decompact the surface with a grelinette or a spade fork without turning the soil.
  • Your soil is ready to be cultivated; all you have to do is sow your seeds or make planting holes. Certainly the first year, your vegetable garden will not look like the garden of the Château de Villandry, but patience is the first quality of the gardener...
  • Don't forget to put the rest of your mulch back in place after sowing and planting, the soil hates being bare!
The birth of a vegetable garden!

vegetable garden