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Garden equipment:the essentials

Nowadays, you don't need a huge bed to indulge in the pleasures of gardening. The proof, it is even possible to have your small vegetable garden in an apartment or on a balcony. Yes, but you still need the right tools.

The basic set

The very first time I told a gardener friend of my intention to learn this activity, he advised me, above all, to equip myself properly, before joining the workshops. I thank this person for having accompanied me in this task, because the tools still have a cost. Without his valuable suggestions, I would not have been able to tell the difference between the essential tools and the secondary ones.

However, if you must do your shopping alone, find advice on the handyman's blog, And among the essential tools, the spade comes unsurprisingly at the top of the list. Difficult indeed to do without it to dig a hole or to turn the earth. For ease of use, and especially for a longer lifespan, I opted for a model with a solid handle.

For working the soil, this tool would go very well with the spade fork, but I decided to do without it in favor of the hoe. Otherwise, in terms of sowing and planting, the essentials are:the seeder and the string. As for me, I added the trowel insofar as I intend to set up a small vegetable patch in my garden. And I don't forget the watering can and the pruning shears, even if for the moment I don't have any shrubs to prune yet.


Among the items necessary for gardeners who use a mower or a brushcutter, for example, I have noticed that there is not enough emphasis on protective accessories such as gloves, glasses and masks. However, in my opinion, these are important if you want to garden safely and comfortably. And even if the manipulation and handling of the tools are a little difficult at first with the gloves, it only took me a little time to adapt. No more blisters, splinters on fingers and black nails.

Otherwise, for amateur gardeners who mainly work in flowerbeds and beds, the serfouette is useful:it digs and hoes the soil at the same time. In addition, this tool is, it seems, particularly effective in removing weeds, just like the rake, in removing stones from stony soils. Not so if the objective is to clean up the ground.

And how not to mention the sprayer, to effectively control plant diseases and pests, as well as the wheelbarrow for transporting all that is heavy? Concerning me, still in the realization of my vegetable garden project, I also ordered labels in order to better identify the vegetables and the aromatic plants, but there, it is about the superfluous to make me happy!