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Fighting pests in the house

Despite all the hygiene rules that can be applied in a home, it is possible that pests settle to the chagrin of people living daily in the accommodation, without it being unsanitary. These can be harmless little creatures that do not proliferate, but it can also be a question of invasive undesirables causing material damage and allergies on the occupants.

Fighting pests in the house

It is necessary to distinguish the modes of action according to the type of habitat:individual house or collective building. In general, in the second case, the infestation affects several apartments or even all of them; in this case, it will be necessary to solicit the lessor or the co-ownership collectively. If you live in a house, only its occupants will be in charge of the fight against these pests.

Household pests

Among the pests most commonly encountered in homes, crawling insects are the most disturbing because they proliferate rapidly, can be vectors of disease and damage or even destroy food and materials.

Roaches or cockroaches

Cockroaches, often called cockroaches, settle in warm and humid areas of homes and attack food residues. They multiply in large numbers quickly and spread from one dwelling to another in buildings via garbage chutes and various ducts.

Preventive measures consisting of avoiding any crumbs of food lying around and any source of persistent humidity are essential. In a building, it will be necessary to treat the entire building so that the efficiency is real.


Talking about flea jumps is not an aberration since these small dark brown wingless insects jump by leaning on their powerful front legs to move from dog to cat, and even to man, in order to feed on their blood. Fleas proliferate by numerous eggs deposited all over the house with a predilection for carpets, sofas, cat litter, etc.

If you are itchy with pimples that look like little red dots, most often on your calves and feet, you are a victim of flea bites and your home should be treated for fleas that are probably installed in the carpet or between the floorboards. After treating the animals, vacuuming and washing all furniture, bedding and other fabric coverings, you will need to apply an insecticide or call in a specialist.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs prefer dry, warm places around beds (box springs, carpets, crevices in the wood of the bed, etc.) and when the sleeper goes to bed, they bite them. She too will lay eggs in order to multiply.

It will also be necessary to use suitable insecticides here too to overcome these particularly unpleasant crawling insects for the good rest of the sleeper!

  • Also see the dossier on dust mites in bedding

Fighting pests in the house

Other harmful insects in the house

The bread beetle lays in poorly sealed cereal packets:the remedy will be to throw away the infested packets and store the foodstuffs in airtight jars in the future.

The ants often nest in cracks in walls, behind loose baseboards. They are always close to what is sweet. There are bait boxes that can be effective.

Other household pests are those that fly. Moths will be driven out of your wardrobes by sachets of lavender, for example. The flies will disappear with the absence of food in the open air and impeccable hygiene of the premises, especially the toilets. Mosquitoes are reviled for their bites during the summer when the humidity of the cool evening falls:to protect yourself against them, you should cover your limbs with clothes without forgetting that the strong-smelling aromatic herbs act as repellents.

Some insects do not stay in homes but just pass through, so there is no need to worry more than that, especially since many are especially near your flower pots. These are the woodlice , the silverfish , the spiders , the loach or the weevil . As for the mice , although they are not insects, catch them with swatters!