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Repaint the windows of your house

Repaint the windows of your house

When your windows are still in good condition but need a refresh, or in case you can't yet afford to invest in new frames, there is not necessarily a need to replace them. You just need to repaint them. Indeed, it is quite playable!

Repainting PVC windows

If you bought brand new sliding shutters, they protect your windows well. And if you have favored aluminum, this material has good insulating properties. On the other hand, to give a facelift to your windows, you can repaint them. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the effect brought by repainted windows, with new shutters, on the exterior facade of your house.

Is it possible to repaint PVC windows?

Yes it is quite feasible if you opt for a paint mainly intended for this material. Fortunately, plastic paints are very easily found on the market. If you want consistent results and smooth window surfaces, buy glycero paint . The disadvantage of this paint is its strong smell and long drying time. Alternatively, acrylic paint is odorless and dries very quickly, but the finishes are less aesthetic. Have, the match acrylic or glycero.

In any case, for better paint adhesion, the surfaces to be painted must be well prepared and cleaned. And the application of an undercoat is highly recommended. In addition, to prevent brush bristles from sticking to the paint, only use short-haired models. Once the primer is completely dry, sand the window to obtain a slightly porous surface that is more receptive to acrylic and Glycero. Leave to dry in a place sheltered from wind and dust.

Repainting wooden windows

Repaint the windows of your house

Any window to be painted must be unhooked. The task will only be easier. And above all, do not forget to protect the windows and closing elements with adhesive strips. Indeed, once the paint dries, it will be very difficult to get rid of the "burrs". Otherwise, as wood is a material particularly sensitive to external aggressions, the paint will be selected accordingly.

Do you want to preserve the natural color of the wood? Stain or varnish would be better. Very easy to maintain, the first does not flake off, while the second brings a shiny appearance to the windows. But, whether you use polyurethane paint, stain or varnish, the windows must first be sanded in turn with fine-grained sandpaper and a wire brush to remove traces of grease, as well as all residues of old painting.

You should take advantage of this site to fill any holes and crevices with wood putty. Afterwards, you will let the surface dry and sand until you obtain a smooth surface ready to receive the primer. Pass a damp cloth to remove dust completely and follow with a first bonding coat.

With this type of support, always paint in the direction of the wood grain. And if there are any irregularities, only touch up the areas that are already dry. By doing the job well, three and four years, or even more, will pass before considering a little refreshment. Finally, to prolong the painting of your windows, protect them from the sun by closing the shutters when the sun is at its strongest in the middle of summer.