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With these tips you prevent spiders and insects in the house

If there's one thing I hate, it's spiders. That, by the way, is putting it mildly. Also other small insects do not necessarily have to be in my house. With these tips you prevent spiders and insects in the house in a natural way.

I am terrified of ... spiders

Everyone in the house knows it:spiders and I don't mix. It's always been like that, but it got worse when I was about 14 or 15 years old. I wanted to put on pants early in the morning on April 1. Somehow, something tickled my leg. When I hurriedly took off the pants, it turned out that there was a big fat spider in my pants. Since everyone knew I'm scared of spiders and it was April 1, I was furious. I wanted to know who pulled this sick joke on me. Unfortunately, the spider itself turned out to have crawled into my pants. After this incident, I turned my pants inside out every day for a year before I put them on.

The stocking was not over yet. In 2004 I moved to Suriname and there you have spiders, a lot of spiders. And I'm not talking about harvestmen, but about big fat tarantulas. It was therefore regularly hit:then I screamed the whole thing back together and someone had to kill a big fat black spider. Sorry, I'm a huge animal lover, but spiders just have to die. And no, I really don't dare. Fortunately, I have never had a tarantula at home to my knowledge, but the spiders were large.

Unfortunately I was also bitten by a spider. In the morning I was preparing sandwiches for my son who was sick when I felt a sting on my ankle. I thought it was a cockroach (also bitches that occur en masse). In a flash I slapped the beast and then it turned out to have been a spider. As a precaution, I immediately took an anti-allergy tablet and later called the doctor. Fortunately it was limited to a red and somewhat irritated spot.

As soon as I see a spider I scream. Then I make sure I'm somewhere safe, but in such a way that I can keep an eye on the spider (sometimes). Read:you will find me on the counter, on a table or sitting on the back of a sofa. Spiders and me:that's not a good combination.

Spiders and insects in the house

Although spiders and I are not a good combination and whether I like it or not, every now and then a specimen shows up in my house. This also applies to other unwanted insects such as mosquitoes. Now I understand that many of these insects are really useful. Spiders, for example, eat mosquitoes (or as was the case in Suriname:mosquitoes). Yet I don't really know anyone who likes having these insects in the house. Of course you can work with all kinds of chemical things, but there are also other ways to prevent spiders and insects in the house.

With these tips you prevent spiders and insects in the house

No harmful products that are harmful to health, but natural ways to get rid of spiders and insects. Below you will find my tips:

1. Take ladybugs

The best way to fight is to prevent. You can do this very easily by providing enough ladybugs. These are the natural enemies of, among other things, lice. Other insects also stay at a distance if there are (enough) ladybugs. You can attract ladybugs to your garden by planting:coriander, dill, fennel, caraway, yarrow, scented geraniums and angelica. Moreover, you can also simply order ladybugs online.

2. Use peppermint oil

You may have noticed, but I am a fan of essential or essential oil. I use pure oil and especially not from the well-known brands. You can use peppermint oil to get rid of spiders and insects. First, mix the peppermint oil with water and spray it on places where spiders and other insects are hiding. Please note:not everyone can tolerate peppermint oil!

3. Make a natural anti-insect agent

You don't need much to make a natural insect repellent:water, spray, dishwashing liquid (okay, that's not so natural) and oil, pepper and apple cider vinegar. Mix these ingredients and use the spray in your home every other day. Don't forget to include windows and doors in your round. These are the perfect places to literally walk into your home.

4. Use citrus peels

Another way to get rid of all those pesky insects is by using citrus peels. Whether you're eating an orange, tangerine, or lemon, make sure to save the peels. Place these in places where you can expect a lot of insects, such as near doors, windows and shelves. Unfortunately, you have to replace the peels every 48 hours.

5. Provide a clean environment and a clean house

That seems like a no-brainer, but it's true. Do you want as few insects and spiders in your house as possible? Then make sure that your house and surroundings are clean. Remove cobwebs as soon as you see it somewhere. Dust your house at least once a week. And above all:do not forget to also clean under the bed and in hard-to-reach places in the house.

6. Bring a cat into your home

Cats are hunters by nature. They not only hunt vermin such as mice and rats or birds, but also hunt spiders. Now I have to add a small side note:I have a very sweet cat. He also regularly hunts mice and rats (and in Suriname snakes). But spiders? No, he doesn't like that and he runs away from that too. Maybe I set a bad example there? But in principle cats also keep spiders at bay.

7. Use cedar wood around your home

If you have a house with a garden, it is advisable to use cedar wood in the garden. Many insects, including spiders, do not like the smell of cedar wood and will avoid your garden. You can also use cedar oil instead of cedar wood. Extra bonus:by scattering the wood chips around your plants, you start mulching. This prevents the water you give the plants from evaporating very quickly. This kills two birds with one stone.

8. Use chestnuts

A surprising way to keep spiders outdoors in particular:use chestnuts. The scent will keep insects, especially spiders, a safe distance from your home. You can put chestnuts near the door, the windows, but also in cupboards.

9. Make use of essential oil

I have mentioned the use of peppermint oil before. Peppermint isn't the only oil to keep insects away. For example, you can use eucalyptus oil for mosquitoes or mosquitoes. You can use this as a spray. CAUTION:eucalyptus is not suitable for everyone and should be kept away from babies and small children.

What do you do to keep insects and spiders away?