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My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

The sun is finally here, and the garden is waking up. Flowers bloom, fruits appear and so do insects!

Our friends the ants are part of the biodiversity, but can be too invasive.

Let's see together the different natural tips to repel them.

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

  • 1. A moldy lemon
  • 2. Mint and basil leaves
  • 3. Warm white vinegar
  • 4. Chalk
  • 5. Crushed garlic
  • Two bonus tips for dealing with ants

Faced with a characterized invasion, we must react. But you don't want to use a chemical product that will eradicate (for a time) nearby ants, but rather a natural product.

You are right, here is a small anthology of the 5 best tips organic.

1. A moldy lemon

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

Yes, written like that, it doesn't sound ideal, and yet this trick is radical. The smell and acidity of lemon scares away ants. Retrieve a forgotten lemon and, instead of throwing it away, cut it into small pieces that you can place in the places frequented by our friends.

They will flee at top speed! To be renewed approximately every 10 days.

2. Mint and basil leaves

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

If, like me, you have a few sprigs of mint and basil in the garden, collect a few leaves of each and distribute them in strategic places.

Ants hate their smells!

3. Warm white vinegar

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

The acidity and the smell will once again have a repulsive action on our invaders.

You can sprinkle the nest with lukewarm white vinegar beforehand, then you will take care of maintaining your interior (tables, worktops...), cleaning your window borders and privileged places with it as well.

4. Chalk

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

School being over, collect the unused bits of chalk and draw a line on the course of the ants, these do not like the texture of the chalk at all, they will not pass beyond! Some go further and spread pieces of crushed chalk on it.

Whichever version is chosen, it is very effective.

5. Crushed garlic

My 5 Tips to Naturally Repel Ants in the House.

Crush garlic and place this mixture on their course. The strong smell it gives off will naturally repel them.

Two bonus tips for fighting ants

Because it's you, here are two other anti-ant tips that we have already mentioned:coffee grounds are a very good ally to repel ants. Don't throw it away, it can still serve you.

If you don't drink coffee, a tomato can be very useful to get rid of these little beasts!