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Black accessories in the house to create unity

A while ago I wrote a blog about black home accessories. I think they're super cool, and it's also easy to combine. We have decorated our house in white, gray and natural tones with a black touch. That black touch is then in the black accessories, the piano and the steel doors. And I am currently considering painting a black surface on one of the walls, it also seems very cool to me. But more on that later.

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Unity in the house with black accessories as a statement

In the beginning I found it very difficult to create unity in the house, because we came from a different style and we had not yet renovated the living room and kitchen. But it keeps getting better. Since the renovation we have a beautifully finished sleek living room and kitchen with steel beams. By working with oak wood and white and black accessories, it becomes one.

Little by little it will get better. And black accessories don't have to be that expensive. At least not if you approach it the same way I do 😉 . For example, I have restyled a number of existing vases in the wholesale home accessories atmosphere. I had it in the cupboard and I breathed new life into it. These were vases in a color that I no longer have in my interior. So I no longer used them, but throwing them away is a shame, of course. In the end I decided to paint them. Or actually to spray them. By spraying them with black lacquer, I suddenly have completely different accessories at home.

Spray existing accessories black, get them from the thrift store or wholesaler

And it's very easy too! Of course, after the first vase, I completely loosened up. In the end I even went to the thrift store to get a bottle, a vase and a very cool large candlestick for a few euros. I also sprayed these black - just like the wholesale home accessories - and now I suddenly have a lot of black accessories at home with which I can style nicely.

Inexpensive spraying of your existing accessories, in black or in another color

Of course, it does not matter whether you spray the accessories black or whether you choose a different color. What is important, however, is that you approach the spraying properly. In any case, I get my aerosol cans from Action (brand Spectrum). That costs (almost) nothing and so you have new home accessories in no time. Do you also want to give existing accessories a new color? Then get started with an aerosol, you will never get it as beautiful with paint and a brush as with an aerosol!

So before you start, get the spray cans at home. Remember to get the following 3 aerosols:

  • Aerosol with primer
  • Aerosol with black lacquer for the accessories
  • A Clear Finish (also aerosol)

You start with cleaning the accessories that you want to give a different color. Just make it fat-free by washing them off with soapy water, or with Monastery Pride, for example. Then you can spray them with the primer. I prefer to do that myself outside to make sure I don't spray paint on anything else in the house. Lay a few newspapers on the floor and spray your accessories with the primer. Try to spray with thin layers † It is better to spray a layer more often than suddenly too much, because then you will get drips.

When the primer has dried you can start using the aerosol with the (in my case) black lacquer. Again you spray in thin layers. I spray the black lacquer on my accessories in several layers to make sure everything is well covered and no old color is showing through. I chose a matte black paint because I like it better, but you have these aerosols in all kinds of colors.

Finally, use the Clear Finish for protection

These are my 'new' accessories

So in the end I sprayed a number of vases and a candlestick. And I'm actually not done with the accessories yet, so I'll be back to work soon, after I've been to the wholesaler. Maybe I'll add another color, something in an earth tone or something. That now also fits well with the natural tones in the house. How do you think the black accessories turned out?

I also had a cool bottle outside that I no longer liked. The shape is, but not the glassware, it was greenish in color. I also sprayed this one and it is now showing off under the canopy. That's cool!