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Clean the Windows of the House to Gain Light.

Clean the Windows of the House to Gain Light.

The days go by and the windows are less and less transparent because of the dirt that settles on it. A little cleaning is needed, right?

To continue to benefit from maximum daylight, the sun's rays must penetrate as much as possible into the house.

Clean your windows is an effective trick to benefit from daylight all year round. I do this once a month so that the sunlight fills my apartment as much as possible.

Benefits ? Already I see much more clearly! It is also much more pleasant for the eyes and of course I consume much less electricity. Clean windows let light into the house better, allowing light to be turned on as late as possible at the end of the day.

And since natural light is still free, the sun doesn't send me a bill yet! Take advantage of it;-). And if you ask me what I use to clean windows, of course I answer white vinegar. So would you like to clean your windows to see more clearly or do you prefer to stay in the dark? Leave us a comment to tell us.