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Metal stake:Love at first sight in the vegetable garden

Is it mad love between the cucumber that crawls and the tomato on its spiral metal stake?

True story :a few days ago the mother of one of my friends went to her vegetable garden for the daily picking of vegetables. Tomatoes and cucumbers in small slices in a salad bowl, a few drops of vinaigrette, the perfect combination!

When she returned from her vegetable garden, as she opened the door of her house, a flash of lightning struck the top of the twisted metal stake , used to hold tomatoes and other climbers vertically. The shock was so violent that the brave lady found herself on the floor as if blown away. Lightning had just struck the tutor. Within minutes, tomatoes and cucumbers were orphans.

In the past, when summer brought us camping, we took care to put a potato at the top of the stakes of the tent. I think it would be good to bring this practice up to date. A few potatoes at the top of the stakes, it will make the neighbors talk, and will protect the users of the garden from unsentimental lightning strikes.

Metal stake:Love at first sight in the vegetable garden

spiral metal stake

Metal stake:Love at first sight in the vegetable garden

plastic stake, to be preferred.