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Gnats:9 natural tips to drive them out of your green plants!

In a studio as in a house, you can't miss plants . Suspended from the ceiling, placed on the window sill, on the floor or on the fireplace, they dress up the space and we love to pamper them. Over the seasons, green plants remain in tune with the times, so it is only natural that they multiply here. However, if we love them passionately, they can sometimes create constraints for us. Indeed, if you are a plant addict, you have already experienced this moment when midges invite themselves into your interior, to ruin your life. These little flying insects invade the house and it is not always easy to get rid of them. Where do they come from ? How to make them go? We take stock.

Why do I have gnats in my house?

Fungus gnats love wet soil . From then on, they terrorize the plants and bother us in the house. If an adult midge lives one to two days, a female lays more than 200 eggs at once, while a larva that reaches adulthood immediately lays new eggs in the moist soil of your favorite plant. In this way, it can quickly become unlivable.

How to avoid midges?

To avoid risking a midge infestation in your home, try to not overwater your plants . Remember to always let the surface layer of substrate dry out between waterings and always empty the water retained in the saucer. You can install small pebbles, light mulch or sand to deter midges from laying eggs.

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