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Maintain your green plants easily with our smart tips.

Maintain your green plants easily with our smart tips.

Maintaining your plants to keep them green is easy with our tips smart gardeners. Discover our 4 simple and economical ideas.

1. Clean your plants

It's true that we don't often think about it, but the plants also need to be cleaned. I dust my plants every 2 weeks. For that I use a soft cloth soaked in milk, to fill up with vitamins. But if you prefer, you can also use banana peel or a beer stock to clean them:it's just as beneficial for indoor plants.

2. Fortify your greenery

A well nourished green plant it is a fit plant. The ideal recipe for green plants in great shape is to mix a little coffee grounds with powdered sugar and place it on the damp soil of your flower pots. Then you water a little bit to make the mixture penetrate the soil. Your plants will love it.

3. Water regularly

As they say:"not too much is needed". Of course your plant needs water , but you shouldn't turn your flower pot into a swimming pool either. To find out if my houseplant is thirsty, I dip my index finger in the soil of its pot. If wet soil remains on my finger, it doesn't need anything. On the other hand, if the finger comes out dry, then that's when I need to water my green plant. You see, it's not very complicated:it's all about listening!

4. Kill aphids

Aphids weaken your plants sucking its sap. They can also transmit diseases to it. If you notice any, they should be removed from your green plant immediately. With a good little bit of natural repellent, it should go very quickly, believe me!

Now you have everything you need to maintain your green plants. There is no more. And, don't forget to tell me what you think of this stuff!

Savings Achieved

It's a pity to lose a plant early because it hasn't been taken care of. And above all, it's a little heartbreaking when you think you've spent €10 to €20 for nothing.

So you might as well avoid this kind of unpleasant moment by paying close attention to the health of your plants. It only takes you a few minutes a day and it will save you from spending extra money to get a spare houseplant from the garden center.