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Introduction to pond plants

Introduction to pond plants

A fairy garden pond, the dream of hands green! However, to achieve this, you have to know how to choose the right plants. Here is a summary guide to help you in your choices!

The perfect pool

To have a beautiful flower pond with the right plants, you will first have to take special care in creating the pond and making sure that it is deep enough and spacious to allow plants to breathe.

Introduction to pond plants

Remember to plant between the end of April and the end of September to have a nice bloom in May to July.

Easy to maintain, just rid the plants of their damaged parts, add a little fertilizer in the spring and divide them every 3 or 4 years depending on their growth. growth. You can also put fish in your pond, they will contribute to the ecosystem set up by feeding on mosquito larvae and small waste. However, choose them well according to the size of your pond because some fish do not like to live together and others multiply too quickly for a small pond.

A wide selection of pond plants

A whole variety of pond plants can satisfy everyone's taste, to be chosen according to the climate of the region of implantation.

Subtle-hued water lilies and lotuses are the best known surface plants. To develop, nothing better than the sun, light and a little fertilizer, especially for lotuses.

And as decoration for the pond, you can opt for floating plants, some of which are to be watched closely because they can pollute its water, like salvinia or tiny duckweed. Submerged plants can also shelter fish and insects. Water hyacinths will also give you magnificent flowers, but beware of the small pond, they can quickly become invasive.

Finally, you can choose border plants, such as reeds, to consolidate your pond. Remember, plants pamper each other with love for better flowering.

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