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How do I care for houseplants?

Green plants:the basic tips

Even if you don't really have a green thumb, it is imperative to know some basic rules to properly care for your houseplants. Light, first:without light, green plants do not survive! Ideally, place your houseplants near an east-facing window:this way, the plants will receive enough light, but not too much direct sun (some houseplants do not tolerate full sun well). On the temperature side, if indoor plants are resistant to rather high temperatures, be sure to keep them away from heating. And, to compensate for the dryness of your house or apartment, regularly mist the foliage of your green plants or place the pot on a saucer filled with damp clay pebbles. Finally, when it comes to watering, have a light hand! A green plant generally adapts to forgetting to water, but excess water can be fatal to it.

One-time maintenance tips

If you notice that your green plant is producing fewer leaves and that the leaves are smaller, it's time to repot. To do this, choose a pot with a diameter that is 2 to 3 centimeters larger than the old container, and place clay balls at the bottom of the pot before adding the soil. If possible, wait until winter is over to repot your houseplant. For your green plant to flourish to the fullest, you can fertilize it in spring and summer:always respect the doses indicated by the manufacturer. And, finally, remember to regularly clean the leaves of your houseplant, especially if it is a yucca, a dracaena or a ficus, because the dust limits the absorption of light. by the plant.