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How to make a summer bed?

How to make a summer bed?

Although we are in the middle of summer and that autumn is already a few steps from our doors, a magnificent garden is being prepared throughout the year. Here are some tips for creating a beautiful summer bed.

How to make a summer bed?

Giving a little aesthetic to your garden is a desire that many people have, especially if they have a large plot. Indeed, who does not dream of having a garden embellished throughout the seasons with shimmering colors?

The idea of ​​creating a flowerbed to beautify the garden is very wise, but requires very careful work. Indeed, many parameters must be taken into account in order to create a massif which will present a flowery and lively spectacle in summer. The choice of plants, their shapes, the foliage and the harmony of colors are elements that require special attention. For neophytes, it is best to draw inspiration from many works that appear in related magazines.

Designing a summer bed

How to make a summer bed?

Before creating a bed, you must first find out about the climatic nature of the place. This is indispensable in the choice of plants, their height, their colors; so that this massif which will adorn the garden is in perfect harmony with the ground. After the shape of the massif is drawn, it is then possible to proceed to the preparation of the ground. The best would be to practice the false "sowing" two months before planting in order to eradicate the seeds of the weeds. After this task is completed, it is necessary to dig the ground and spread fertilizers in order to enrich the soil.

The most important step now is to choose the type of plant that will suit your soil and your preference. Incomparable flowering plants such as snapdragons, dahlias, bidens, cosmos, zinnias, surfinias and petunias, cleomes, udbeckias, geraniums and pelargoniums, gazanias, brachycomes, nicotinia or carnations from India are the most popular because of their robustness and ease of maintenance. However, care must be taken to adapt the varieties of plants according to the size of the massif. We will then easily find a place for aerial horizontals such as alliums, lavender and gladiolus or gladiolus, as well as the large sedums which will point their majestic caps until autumn. Finally, the planting will be done in a natural way according to your aesthetic tastes.

Maintenance of the massif

How to make a summer bed?

Caring for the bed is delicate work, because the watering of plants must be done individually. This will prevent new grasses from growing and water will more easily reach the roots of your plants. Watering should be done at regular intervals to keep the soil cool. It is also necessary to place organic mulches up to 8 cm at the foot of the shrubs in order to protect it from the sun or the cold.

It should be noted that the maintenance of a bed changes according to the season. Indeed, in summer as in autumn, it is enough to carefully cut the faded parts so that the rest of the vegetation flourishes properly. In winter, it is possible to cut back the remains of vegetation and leave them in place. This has the effect of enriching the soil and you will no longer have to add fertilizer for the next flowering.