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Hedge trimming, yes, but when?

Question from a user: is hedge trimming done all year round? I have privet to go down and a hedge with lots of different species

Persistent, obsolete, or both?

Best months for evergreen hedge trimming like the privet, are the months in A , April and August. April, in full growth and August to benefit from the fall growth. If you prefer to have a straight-cut hedge all winter long, pruning is possible until the end of October. In November and later, the healing is not done as it should. This can lead to pathological risks.

For deciduous hedges , bower, beech, etc., it is best to wait for the leaves to fall. So from November to March , excluding frost periods.

The free hedges, composed of flowering shrubs, follow the pruning schedule shrubs that compose them. We therefore refer to the date of flowering or fruiting of the plants.

Do not forget to disinfect pruning tools. But also to clean them well at the end of the cut in order to eliminate any trace of sap , which as it dries, would stick to the blades.

Hedge trimming, yes, but when?

varied hedge

Hedge trimming, yes, but when?

secateurs disinfection