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Tomato:culture sheet

Tomato is a fruit vegetable. It is the most consumed vegetable garden plant in the world. Of various shapes (round, elongated, pear-shaped, flattened) and of various colors (red, pink, yellow, green, brown, orange, white, marbled…) the tomato can weigh from a few grams to more than one kilo. The flavor differs according to the variety and the culture (fertilization and watering).


Sowing is practiced in pots or terrines, in a warm place in February-March.


Transplant the tomatoes when they have two leaves, in pots

Setting up:

Place when frosts are no longer to be feared, every 50 cm, in soil fertilized with compost in the fall and/or organic tomato fertilizer in the spring. (floor temperature 10°C minimum)

Space the rows 70 cm.

If the plant is too long when planted (more than 15 cm) lay it down in the planting hole and only let the head out. rooting will be done along the entire length in the ground.

Put a stake for each plant.


Two schools clash:those who prune, those who do not prune. If you want to be part of the first group:

Remove suckers from the leaf axils and keep only the main stem

Pinch the stem above the 5th bunch of flowers.

You can drive your tomatoes on two stalks. For this:

Cut the main stem when it reaches 15 cm

Remove suckers from the leaf axils

Pinch the two stems above the 4th bouquet.

Varieties with small cherry fruits, do not prune after flowering

The tomato does not like:

  • wet the leaves
  • watering stress (too much water followed by a lack of water)
  • that we remove its healthy leaves at the end of the season the vicinity of kohlrabi, fennel, potato

The tomato likes:

  • the vicinity of lettuce, chives, onions, radishes,
  • rosemary, sage, beans, celery, parsley, marigold,
  • the nasturtium.
  • sun, heat (but below 30°C)

In case of overproduction:

The tomato cannot be frozen, it is eaten raw, cooked and is used as the basis for many culinary preparations. The tomato can be canned, whole, in sauce or mashed.

The tomato from your garden accompanies you all year round on your plate.

Tomato:culture sheet