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The apple, seasonal fruit:yes, but which one?

The apple is the most consumed fruit in France and it is not about to change.

Red, green or yellow, the apple is the queen of fruit displays. She is a longevity standout. 12 months out of 12, it reigns supreme. In bulk, in boxes, in trays, in cellophane, in piles or arranged by color, the apple is omnipresent on the market.

Normal, will you tell me, France is the first producing country of apples in the world (and yes, cocoricos). 1.9 million tons! This does not prevent us from importing 145,000 tons. About 10% of our annual consumption comes from Chile, Argentina, South Africa, New Zealand.

What about the ecological balance sheet of such a distant import? Nothing as long as it is not compared to the same balance sheet of apples made in France. French apples come from a new tree called “garajoum frigorificus”, in French:the cold store. For months, our beautiful apple stayed in the dark at a temperature of 1/2°C. And here she is all smiling in her little wooden crate, breathing freshness and health. No one talks about the electrical energy expended...

What is most annoying for us consumers, who want to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day, is that peaches, apricots and strawberries, seasonal fruits produced on the territory are much more expensive than refrigerated apples.

According to INSEE, fruits have increased by 17.9% since June 2007, apples "only" by 6%. Apple sales this summer were up significantly while the summer season is usually rather slack.

Let's eat seasonal fruits, produced locally, of course, but remember that the apple harvest season is between July and November!

The apple, seasonal fruit:yes, but which one?