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Manual sprayer

Whether you are satisfied with manure or other homemade preparations, or whether you are a fan of garden chemistry, the use of the sprayer requires some precautions to take for yourself, your plants and the environment. I would also add for his wallet. Manual sprayer.

The first mistake made is in the dose of product used. It is dangerous to increase the doses, because those indicated on the bottle are not the optimal doses, those that give the best result, but the maximum doses , those which, if exceeded, may cause some concern. Most doses can be reduced by 10-20% for the same result.

In addition, if 2 liters of product is enough, it is not necessary to prepare 5 liters of the mixture. Remember that the preparation cannot be stored .

Second Common Mistake, Spraying Too Insistent . A good spray (unless otherwise stated on the box) can be seen by the many small droplets present on the leaf. If the spray is too sustained, the droplets touch each other, grow larger and the product falls to the ground. 4/5ths are lost.

When spraying an insecticide, you have to trust the product used. It is not necessary to drown the aphids!

It is forbidden to spray on a impermeable surface (see photo below) and less than 5 m (minimum) of a water point (well, sewer, gutter, basin, ditch, etc.)

In the safety instructions, it is good to remember that we do not treat :

  • in rainy weather
  • in high heat
  • when it's windy
  • when it freezes
  • when you smoke or eat
  • when we call!

To this, we add a cleaning of the device , the outfit (gloves and mask ) and the applicator (hands and face), storage in the original boxes products used in a ventilated and locked place, the inscription on a notebook of the date and the product used taking into account the persistence of the product (its duration of action) in order to avoid applications that are too close together.

A product generally keeps between one and three years. No more.

Leftover products are not thrown down the drain but in a hole at the bottom of the garden (the best thing is to have no leftovers!)

Either way, what you need to know is on the label. Just read, sometimes with a magnifying glass…

How about natural gardening ?

Manual sprayer