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Pruning:when, how and why to prune a tree?

Pruning:when, how and why to prune a tree?

Pruning a tree consists of cutting certain branches in order to limit its development. This action aims to give more security and comfort to all those who pass nearby, on the one hand and on the other hand, to respect the rules of the neighborhood. It is therefore useful to control the pruning of trees and their branches, in this sense, it is necessary to know when, how and why to prune a tree?

When to prune a tree?

In most cases, when the branches begin to reach the roof of the house for example and they risk damaging it, action must be taken. This is also the case when these branches are likely to touch electrical wires and when they protrude onto the neighbour's property or onto the public road. Pruning can also be practiced to let the heat and light brought by the sun into a room.

In a more urgent situation, trees are pruned to cope with natural phenomena such as storms, heavy rains or gales to prevent falling branches that can cause serious accidents.

The best time to prune a tree is in the fall, when the leaves are falling, preferably before winter. Avoid pruning during the spring because the rising sap causes heavy runoff.

How to prune a tree?

Cutting the branches of a tree is not done just anyhow or on a whim. There are techniques to follow. Professionals are generally mobilized for this type of operation, especially if you have to climb particularly high to reach the branches to be sawn. Do not hesitate to contact professionals in case of doubt about pruning techniques or fear of doing it yourself.

The tools for pruning remain the classic tools such as chainsaw or saw. For larger trees, professionals use ropes to climb the tree, and attach themselves with a safety harness to limit the risk of falling. In other cases, they equip themselves with a ladder to carry out the sawing, and the nearby areas are to be avoided. However, it is necessary to respect the growth of certain trees according to the species, before thinking of cutting them.

Pruning:when, how and why to prune a tree?

Trimming and pruning a tree are two different actions because pruning concerns medium-sized trees and pruning mainly concerns large trees. You should also know that cutting the branches of a tree too often weakens it.

Why prune a tree?

From an aesthetic point of view, pruning is practiced to remove dead branches or to get rid of branches that are located lower.

Large trees are cut only when there is a threat. After a tornado, for example, it is advisable to remove branches that may fall and cause damage. These large trees, if they are in a traffic axis or near buildings, require regular inspection to ensure that their branches or that the tree itself does not interfere with the public passage or the good condition of the building.

Remember that a tree is a living thing. Therefore, to preserve its lifespan as much as possible, pruning should be done as soon as necessary.