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The size of the tomato

Tomato pruning:cultural or cultural technique ?

April arrives and already the stakes and crosspieces structure the vegetable garden. These wooden, bamboo or metal supports will soon be filled with lush tomato feet.

This is when two schools of thought clash:the “cultural” and the “secateur deniers”. The first ones will explain the pinch technique to you. Solanaceae by counting the number of floral bouquets on each ramification, after however removing the slightest sucker.

The followers of the other school, let wander vegetation, taking care to tie up any new growth. Abundant vegetation gives more strength to the plant and the risk of fungal or animal parasitism is limited, with no drop in yield. In addition, the shade provided to the tomato reduces the risks due to violent sunshine. (Especially in the South)

This year, in your vegetable garden, I imagine that there will be two different ways of growing the favorite fruit vegetable of the French. Just to try…

The size of the tomato
