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Flower pots

Flower pots

Perennials, annuals, small shrubs, brighten up planters , window boxes, pots and containers. But it is good planning to put these plants in a healthy environment. The old soil is composted the containers are washed and disinfected with white vinegar and the pebbles from the drainage can be reused after thorough washing. The choice of earth mixture is important. Forget the low-end, too peaty soils. The potting soil will be draining and enriched with compost. If this is not the case, a contribution of clay balls and an organic fertilizer will make the ideal mixture for your beautiful flower pots, and for the whole season.

Flower pots

flower arrangement, city of La Rochelle

Goodbye Hyacinths

…and other bulbous spring plants. The hyacinths are fading, the grape hyacinths are losing their blue ears, the narcissus and other daffodils no longer illuminate the lawns and flowerbeds. Throughout the month of April, the bulbs hatch and wither. But still live! The cut of the faded flower stalk is an obligation to prevent bolting. But the bulb needs to regenerate . The leaves play this role, making reserves that will be stored in the bulb. Let the leaves turn yellow on their own, they will come off naturally.

If the bulbs were in pots, either you plant everything in the garden, without removing the leaves, to recover the pot, or you let it go and get other containers for the new pots.

Flower pots

mixed hyacinths