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mites on tomatoes

Question from a user:Every year, I have mites on my tomatoes. I don't want to use chemicals. What to do?

When the weather is hot and dry, the mite swarms! it is a small spider that is often called red (in French) but whose color varies according to the species, yellow, green… The red spider on tomato is treated with sulfur powder. Wettable sulfur (mixed with water and then sprayed) is less effective. Fern decoction sprays give good results as well as nettle manure.

mites on tomatoes

mites on tomato leaf, numerous pitting giving a leaden appearance (grey)

You can spray water under pressure to wash the leaves on their undersides either with the garden hose or with a sprayer.

Reminder:insecticides are not effective against spiders, as spiders are not insects!

mites on tomatoes

mite bites on tomato