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How to properly maintain your lawn?

When I entertain at my house, or when friends and acquaintances come to visit me, people never fail to compliment me on the beauty of my lawn. My secret ? Every year, I schedule two scarifications.

Why scarify the lawn?

Here is a word perhaps a little barbaric for people who do not have a lawn at home. Or for those who have not yet accomplished this task. However, scarifying the lawn is simply essential, if we want this part of the garden to preserve its magnificent green dress, while regenerating quickly and abundantly. But when should you scarify the lawn? According to specialists, the arrival of spring is the ideal time to do so, especially during the first days of thaw.

However, to give my lawn time to grow well and grow, I generally plan this operation at the end of winter. I can thus take full advantage of this space as soon as the fine weather arrives. At the start, I did two a year, the second was done before entering the summer period. I tried to stick to that cadence for three years in a row. And as today my lawn has effectively gained in density and resistance, I only do one a year.

And it is indeed a job to do, but I did not mind the task, especially when I see the state of my lawn now. Whether it rains, snows or hails, the grass remains beautifully vigorous. In addition, scarification also helps to preserve the health of the lawn since it prevents or slows down the proliferation of diseases and parasites attacking the lawn. And I'm not talking about its effectiveness on mosses, lichens, not to mention recalcitrant weeds.

How to proceed?

Scarification is unfortunately only possible if you have the right tools and machines at hand. The device will indeed be chosen according to its use. And the most affordable model is the hand scarifier. If asked for my opinion, I would not recommend it at all, especially if you have a large area to cover. Very soon, you will inevitably feel back pain when you have not even covered half of your lawn. Nothing beats an electric knife scarifier.

However, before tackling the scarification itself, these few preparations will be necessary:​​the first thing to do is to get rid of rubbish, small objects and stones present on the surface. Afterwards, start by mowing the lawn, taking care to clean up the clippings. Water the lawn thoroughly.

Allow two days to pass for the grass to soak up the moisture. On the third day, you can finally scarify. To act in depth, I set the camera to four millimeters. Once finished, I collect the residues in one place.