You would like to know exactly when to water your plants , but you don't have a green thumb?
I have a very simple trick to take good care of your pretty flower pots.
Of course, green plants are the best way to dress up an interior.
Yes, but there are so many varieties that you never know exactly when to water them.
Don't worry!
I have my little budding gardener trick (ha ha) for knowing exactly the right time to water your little plants.
In fact, it's really quite simple.
Here's how I know if I need to water my plants. Watch:
1. Tap the terracotta pot with a knife. Be careful not to go too hard, it could crack.
2. If the rendered sound is deaf , there is no need to water, the plant is still full of water.
3. On the other hand, if the sound is clear , it's time to water. The clearer the sound, the more urgency!
There you go, now you know when to water your plants :-)
Easy, convenient and fast!
And it works for all your plants:orchids, cacti, ficus, succulents...
You can use this trick with your indoor plants, but also outdoor ones.
So be careful not to feed them too much, because a plant is like a child!
When it's too spoiled, it does anything!
Concretely, if you put too much water, your plants can suffer. And the roots can rot and your plants die...
To prevent this, you can use a humidity tester.