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Run away from disposable wipes to save money.

Run away from disposable wipes to save money.

To save money every day, there are products that you can at all costs avoid buying at the supermarket. Disposable wipes are one of them. Explanations.

As the name suggests, disposable wipes should be discarded after each use. I also bought some because it seemed easier to me. Like everyone else, after each use the wipe ended up in the trash...

So I chose to put an end to this massacre by replacing the wipes with a good old mop, a sponge and a broom which have an incomparable lifespan.

Even though the wipes are handy, with my mop and a little elbow grease, the cleaning is just as effective. And I'm sure it can be the same for you in your beautiful home. So are you convinced by my super mop or do you still prefer disposable wipes? React in the comments.

Savings Achieved

If you want to save on your shopping budget, it is clear that it is better not to buy wipes. It's very simple, with disposable wipes, you multiply your expenses by 15 of cleaning products.

For a surface of 100 m2, the use of simple sponges and mops costs you 35 euros per year including cleaning products and water.

For the same surface, the cost of cleaning using wipes amounts to 550 euros per year ! Suffice to say that with the wipes, you throw a lot of money in the trash ... The smart choice is quickly made :-).