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Tips to save money in 2021

The year has only just begun, time to get your finances in order for this year. You can do that with these tips to save money in 2021. Money that gives you freedom to do other things.

Saving is not boring

You may think that saving is very boring. It may feel like a limitation, but the opposite is true. Saving on the right things opens other doors. Suddenly you can do things you never thought possible. Things that make life more fun. Saving doesn't have to be boring, it can even become a sport to see how much you can actually save. That can be daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly.

Tips to save money in 2021

Last year, many people were able to save money because vacations were cancelled. The fact that people worked from home a lot more meant that money could be saved. How that will be this year remains to be seen. Many people hope to finally be able to go on holiday again. Saving is fun, but you also have to live. With these tips to save money in 2021 you can not only save and save, but at the same time enjoy everything that makes life more beautiful.

1. Set yourself a goal to save specifically

For many people it works perfectly to save if there is actually a goal linked to it. Think, for example, of a long journey, the desired kitchen renovation or a new car. You can't think of it that crazy or you can set it as a goal to save for it. Many banks have piggy banks that you can also directly link a goal to. When you log in, you will see how much you have already saved and how much is still needed to achieve the intended goal. A goal is motivating and makes it easier for you to save.

2. Saving money on groceries

I have already written an extensive article about it once, saving money on groceries is still possible in 2021. In any case, make sure that you do not have to go to the store every day. Compile a cheap weekly menu and do your shopping on the basis of this. Cook with seasonal vegetables as much as possible. Make sure you know when your supermarket is discounting and then go shopping. Then adjust your menu accordingly.

Avoid the lines in supermarkets where you know there are products that you don't need, but that you will buy on an impulse. For most people, it is advisable to skip the lines for chips, candy and soda. You immediately kill two birds with one stone:you not only save money, but you also work on a healthier body.

3. Every little bit helps

The Action is not open at the moment, but I notice it myself:when you walk into the Action, you often spend more than you had planned in advance. In many cases it concerns small amounts, but all these small amounts can quickly add up. Even if you would only go to the Action once a week and spend 5 euros there (unexpectedly). That saves about 20 euros per month. So with everything you buy, think about whether you really need it. Even small things that are not immediately noticeable. You can transfer the money you save directly to your piggy bank.

Incidentally, this does not only apply to small amounts. Of course that one skirt in the shop window is nice, especially if it's on sale. But is it really necessary to buy the umpteenth piece of clothing? Or do you actually still have enough clothes in your closet?

4. Swap instead of buy

Maybe you are really fed up with your wardrobe. Or do you really need new (different clothing). However, you do not necessarily have to spend money for this. You can schedule an exchange afternoon with friends. Or scour giveaway corners, where beautiful clothing is often given away for free. That way you wear something new, without having to spend money for it. And the money you actually wanted to spend for those new pants, sweater and jacket you can now put aside to save.

5. Buy on sale

Although I mentioned earlier that you should avoid buying products just like that, the sale can actually be a smart way to save money. Think of buying a gift for a birthday or the holidays. You may already spend that money now, but you will save on it later. This can make a big difference, especially during the holidays. A handy tool that you can use for this is the sales calendar. On it you can see exactly when what is on sale.

6. Sell ​​surplus items

You probably know it:your house or closet is overflowing with things you don't use (anymore). Time to turn it into money. Sell ​​clothes on Vinted and toys on Marktplaats or in Facebook groups. You put aside all the money that comes in with that. Don't spend, but really put it aside to save towards your goal.

7. Save on energy and insurance

We are all working from home en masse and you can see that in the energy bill. We are heating more, because we want to be comfortable in the house. And more power is used because we can't sit in the dark. Standby consumption also costs extra energy. Fortunately, you can save energy while working from home. Do not forget to take a closer look at your energy provider every now and then and possibly switch.

Not only can you save on energy, that also applies to insurance. In the Netherlands you can insure yourself for anything and everything. Sometimes it is good to take a good look at your insurance policies. Do you really still need that bicycle insurance if your bike is 5 years old? And what about the continuous travel insurance now that you can't go on holiday anyway? Perhaps you can cancel or at least adjust insurance. You can immediately transfer the costs that you save to your piggy bank.

Reading tip:Save on fixed costs with these tips

More tips to save money in 2021

Of course there are many more ways to save money. For example, you can ask for a discount if you have to buy white goods or a new computer. Whether you ensure that you receive free items such as a Parents of now baby box or you participate in Scoupy for free or low budget groceries. Or save money by buying a used car. So there were plenty of opportunities to save money in 2021 as well.

Do you have any tips for saving money?