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Winter Time, Summer Time:Do We Really Save Money?

Winter Time, Summer Time:Do We Really Save Money?

For 40 years, twice a year, we change the clock.

A disturbing phenomenon for health and morale.

And each time, I ask myself the question.

Does this time change really save us money?

Winter Time, Summer Time:Do We Really Save Money?

Memories, memories

1973, first oil shock.

To save energy, oil and electricity in particular, France introduces summer time. In March, the clocks are moved forward one hour.

The goal ? Decrease the duration of illumination in the evening. In October, we do the opposite maneuver and we earn the right, for a Sunday, to sleep an extra hour.

Savings… or not?

One thing is certain, the change of time, in one direction or the other, creates many disturbances. In terms of sleep of course, but also the morale and psychological state of some people.

Fatigue, fragility… we consult more, so we spend more! The animals on our farms are also disturbed, resulting in a drop in the quality of production.

All this for what ? According to ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), around 40,000 tonnes of CO2 have been saved .

Better than nothing, of course, but far from offsetting the new expenses:increased travel in the evenings, air conditioning, amplification of night lighting (despite local initiatives to precisely limit it), morning lighting and heating...

In short, all that for that.

How to save anyway?

Tip 1:get ready and rest . Adjust your pace a few days before to limit the shock and therefore avoid going to see a doctor. This point is essential for young children and the elderly or sick.

2nd advice:do not compensate darkness arrived earlier by turning on all his lamps or putting the heating on full blast. At the price where electricity is!

3rd advice:protest ! If more and more of us are asking for this system to be abolished, who knows, maybe it could disappear?

Don't be shy, come and tell us in the comments what you think of the time change!