At a time when everything goes up, a trick to save gas at the house is necessarily welcome, right? tells you everything...
Our site has one priority:to make you earn money by saving whenever possible.
We have a tip accessible to everyone so that your gas consumption every day costs less.
But while continuing to consume as much as usual! Watch:
There is still one condition:that your equipment allows you to adjust the temperature of your water heater.
If so, then all you have to do is set the temperature to 50-55 degrees instead of 70 degrees.
And now, voila ! By heating the hot water less, you save gas and money :-)
I did it at home.
And my water heater consumes less energy without me feeling the temperature difference, nice isn't it?
By saving gas at home in this way, you won't feel any difference to your daily comfort.
But on the other hand, you will notice a significant reduction in the amount to be paid for each gas bill. And that's good for morale :-).
And at the end of the year, that represents a nice sum of euros. A clever trick that is extremely simple to set up since all you have to do is turn a button to earn money.