Keeping your appliances in perfect condition means maintaining them on a daily basis .
And to maintain it easily, nothing better than using a magical 100% natural product:white vinegar .
Did you know that this product is your best ally for degreasing, scouring and cleaning all your household appliances?
So, say stop to industrial products that are polluting and expensive!
Instead, discover our 10 White Vinegar tips to clean all your household appliances. Watch:
The tartar , it's simply THE number one problem with electric kettles.
Over time, they become covered with limestone, especially if the water in your area is hard...
As a result, this makes their operation more and more laborious.
But don't panic, we give you a simple tip to avoid throwing your device when that happens.
For 5 minutes, boil 75 cl of white vinegar in your kettle and leave to act overnight.
Rinse it two or three times with clean water and the next day find your kettle as new. Check out the trick here.
From use, the inside of your oven is covered with charred grease .
And bricking your oven is always a tedious operation that you don't like to do.
So to clean up those grimy, charred surfaces without getting tired...
...make a solution of one liter of water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.
Dip a sponge in the solution (don't panic, it will foam up a bit, but that's normal).
And pass it on all the surfaces of your oven.
Do this when your oven is warm for even more efficiency.
Check out the trick here.
The dripping pan in your oven is very practical, because it collects all the fat from your dishes.
The problem is that it gets dirty and fattens very quickly.
And if it's not cleaned regularly, it can cause a lot of smoke!
So to take care of your utensil, do this.
Fill a cup with white vinegar, adding 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Pour this mixture onto your still hot drip pan and leave to stand for 1 hour.
If traces of grease remain, scrape the affected areas with an abrasive sponge. Check out the trick here.
Increasing the life of your refrigerator and ensuring that it is always healthy necessarily requires regular maintenance.
This is particularly important for our food safety, because many bacteria can develop in the event of carelessness...
In a container, mix in hot water 1 glass of white vinegar and a few drops of washing up liquid.
Soak your sponge in the solution.
Then wash the inside of your fridge, going over your vegetable drawer and the walls to prevent mold from forming.
Finally, wash the outside of your fridge, also using your sponge to remove the various stains of grease or other dirt.
Also remember to wipe the top of your fridge to remove dust. Check out the trick here.
Your microwave oven is dirty, full of stains and splatters of all kinds?
Don't really want to rub hard for long minutes to give it a clean and shiny appearance ?
Try this.
Fill a bowl with 5 cl of white vinegar in 25 cl of water.
Place the bowl in your microwave and heat on full power for 5 min.
Once the bowl has cooled, dip a cloth in the solution and clean your sides.
You will have an irreproachably clean microwave. Check out the trick here.
Nothing more unpleasant than opening your fridge and having smells mountain sheep, especially when there are guests!
So to remove unpleasant scents dish or food (cheese, fish, onion...), simply proceed this way.
In a bowl, put 20 cl of white vinegar and put it in the bottom of your fridge.
And voila ! Bad odors are gone.
Another alternative:put a lemon cut in 2 instead of the vinegar. It will work too! Find out these tips here and here.
The limestone is the number one enemy of your dishwasher.
Over time, it accumulates on the various parts and can interfere with the operation of the machine.
It is therefore imperative to clean it several times a year (especially if your water is very hard).
This extends its life and limits the risk of failure.
You then have 2 simple and effective solutions.
Or, you start a classic empty washing cycle by having poured 25 cl of white vinegar into the bottom of your machine.
Or, you start a cycle by having wedged a bowl with 25 cl of white vinegar in the dishwasher.
You will find after that a nickel dishwasher!
Bonus:For streak-free dishes, especially glasses, pour 1 cup of white vinegar into the rinse aid compartment.
And run your program as usual. Check out the trick here.
Whether glass-ceramic or induction, our hobs are quickly soiled !
Why ? Because when you cook something, there are inevitably fat splashes or other materials.
And cleaning your plates is always very tedious, except with the tip we're about to give you!
First sprinkle your baking sheets with baking soda.
Add white vinegar right after (it will foam a little but that's normal).
Moisten a sponge, add (but it is not mandatory) a little dishwashing liquid and pass it all over your plates.
To avoid scratches on the vitroceramic plates, pour the baking soda and vinegar then use a squeegee if necessary.
Rinse with a sponge and wipe with a dry cloth. Check out the trick here.
All utensils in contact with water will inevitably scale up ...
...And your coffee maker is no exception.
So to maintain it or bring it back to life, do this.
Fill the water tank of your coffee maker with white vinegar, leave to act for 30 minutes and start a normal cycle.
When all the vinegar has run out, do a 2nd cycle with clean water.
Your coffee maker is descaled ! Check out the trick here.
Daily cooking is often synonymous with dirt .
And in order to preserve the performance of your gas cooker and the good condition of its various elements... is imperative to take good care of your appliance by cleaning it regularly.
To start, remove the burners and place them in a basin.
Cover them to the brim with white vinegar and then leave to soak overnight.
The next day, rinse the burners and wipe them down.
You will find your nickel chrome and degreased burners like the first day.
Do you have aluminum burners?
At this time, it is better to make a mixture of half water and half white vinegar rather than pure white vinegar. Check out the trick here.