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3 White Vinegar Tips To Take Care Of Your Shoes.

3 White Vinegar Tips To Take Care Of Your Shoes.

White vinegar is truly amazing.

Its virtues are almost infinite...

And it's not your shoes that will say otherwise!

Whether it's to make them shine, remove stains or... remove bad smells, white vinegar is your best ally.

Here are 3 white vinegar tips to take care of your shoes :

3 White Vinegar Tips To Take Care Of Your Shoes.

1. Make your shoes shine

Have your shoes become dull and lost their shine over time?

Before going to the store to buy a new pair, here's how to restore them to their full shine.

Pour a little white vinegar on a soft cloth then rub your black or brown leather shoes.

Leave to dry then buff with chamois leather or old tights.

There you go, you've made your shoes look like new again!

2. Eliminate stains, streaks and rings

Your skin, leather or suede shoes are fragile.

They do not tolerate everyday aggressions of all kinds...

This is particularly the case with salt (used to melt snow) or water from puddles that create halos.

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to eliminate these stains.

Mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in 1 cup of water. Soak your cloth with this solution and rub your shoes with it.

Note that the result will only be acquired after drying! So please be patient.

And if you need to remove the traces of mud, let your shoes dry first.

Once dry, brush them with this mixture of vinegar water.

3. Remove bad odors

Do you know that the foot is the part of our body that has the most sweat glands?

About 600 glands per square centimeter compared to an average of 200 for the rest of the body.

This can generate half a cup of sweat a day!

Fortunately, to prevent unpleasant odors in shoes, there is a simple and effective trick.

Prepare a vinegar water made up of half water and half white vinegar.

Then soak your cloth in this solution then dab the inside of your shoes and let it air dry thoroughly.

Result:down with bacteria, no more odors and long live white vinegar!

Your turn...

Have you tried these 3 grandmother's tips for taking care of your shoes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!